How to Get a Guy to Like You?

Who doesn't enjoy receiving love, devotion, pampering, and a spark from her man? Every lady enjoys being indulged in. In the real world, though, the spark eventually goes out, and the male quits making the initial efforts to win her over after a few months. And that destroys a marriage. There is some good news for all the ladies who have experienced this. According to certain specialists, some guys also value passion and long-lasting lust.

You will need to make deliberate attempts to make him want you, as he always has to accomplish this in your relationship. We assure you that nothing in the world can end your relationship or steal your boyfriend if you make him want you.

We've compiled some suggestions to make your boyfriend/crush want you more than ever because we understand how you feel, ladies.

1. Frequently use cute names while addressing him

Nothing is more enticing for a man than hearing his name said by his lover. Mention his name (or whatever you call him) frequently whenever you engage in conversation. But only do it sometimes. To achieve the final equilibrium, you must be aware. In the thick of your whining, call his name while you're in a passionate relationship and watch him light up.

2. Avoid hiding in a corner

Avoid hiding behind pieces of furniture or plants in a corner. Guys will notice you're being active and not attempting to play hide and seek if you find something valuable to accomplish wherever you are (whether it's contributing to a group conversation or skillfully making your way to the bar).

3. Keep him guessing

Withholding some details about you and your life is another clever approach to make him want for you. Make him wonder about your likes, dislikes, life, secrets, and other things. He will be curious about you if he truly loves you and thinks you are worth being with.

4. Discuss your interests

Talk about the small things you do, like having fresh flowers in your house, doing yoga, reading a book once a week, or getting enough sleep, said Emily Holmes Hahn, the creator of the specialized dating service LastFirst. Even if they appear to be little indications of a "focused and balanced living," she added they should be welcomed.

5. Small adjustments can have a significant impact

Make little adjustments to your lifestyle or appearance. Your boyfriend will pay you more attention as a result of this. He'll see it and love you even more for it. The catch, though, is that you must be sure of what he likes or will adore before making any adjustments. Your alteration should be distinct from your regular appearance since it will immediately capture his interest and attention. Such as wearing nice lipstick, getting a haircut, donning an article of lovely clothing, or changing the way you wear your hair. Get your man's attention with these little adjustments.

6. Give him lots of compliments

Men also like being wanted or acknowledged, just like every woman does. Make sure to congratulate your crush frequently. Don't only focus your praise on his appearance. Tell him how much you value the things he does for you or how you thought he handled a specific issue well. Such compliments will restore his self-confidence, and he will begin to love you more. When he knows you'll be happy, he'll instinctively do extra to make you happy. Even when you are present, he will always think about you and methods to make you happy.

7. Remind him of old times

Please talk about the pleasant times you had with him. Take him down memory lane and tell him about how you first met, what drew you to him, etc. This will make him desire you more than ever and help you recapture the love rush you both had when you first met.

8. Go out by yourself or with a single buddy

It'll not be easy to distinguish you. If you're in a group contributing to the discussion the guy you have your eye on is having, you may demonstrate that you have something attractive about yourself and that you are more than simply a pretty face. It is energizing to witness a lady as entertaining as she is fascinating and engaging at this time when we, as humans, tend to place such a strong emphasis on appearances.

9. Give him plenty of room

Men like pursuing things that are not readily accessible. This general principle also holds in this situation. Give him enough room to breathe so he finds himself wanting to see you frequently. Saying "no" to his proposed dates occasionally can help you immensely. As a result, he will have more time to miss you, and we promise he will start making more plans.

10. Put down the phone

It's a tiny world, so you never know who you might run into while Instagramming your oysters. Try not to stare at your phone when on the elevator; instead, look around to see who is around. Seeing a lady who isn't engrossed in Snapchat or snapping a selfie is pleasant for a guy.

11. Utilize social media

Learning how to text a guy is more crucial than ever because of the social distance that prevents dating and flirting from always taking place face-to-face.

Utilize the mirroring method. In general, text him roughly as often as he messages you. If a guy doesn't like texting, you want to avoid spamming him with texts. Likewise, you don't want to come to seem as uninterested by only responding briefly to his lengthy texts.


There is no shortage of advice on approaching a guy. But the most crucial piece of advice is just to be yourself. If you're trying to make a guy like you, read this.

You're not required to put on a show. Project the best image of yourself instead. Draw attention to your positive outlook, friendliness, humor, and other outstanding attributes. The most excellent method to establish a long-lasting relationship with a guy is to be authentic from the start if you are meant to be together. In conclusion, what do you think of the advice offered here? Have you used them in your own life before? Did they succeed? Are you hesitant to use them in real life out of fear? Not to worry.

You should always be prepared to experience failure since doing so is one of the risks you take when you let love into your heart.

Updated on: 20-Jun-2023


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