How to Fold a Fortune Teller?

Have you ever wished you could peek into the future and see what opportunities lay for you? What is it specifically that you anticipate happening in the nottoodistant future that you are most looking forward to? You will now be able to acquire the knowledge necessary to construct a fortune teller, sometimes referred to as a "cootie catcher," and you may use it to get some answers to your concerns.

The creation of fortune tellers is a craft that is not only easy but also interesting. It may serve various purposes, including giving amusement, assisting with divination, or acting as a pleasant exercise for youngsters. If you follow the instructions in this step-by-step tutorial, you will discover how to construct a fortune teller and participate in a game that uses a fortune teller.

Materials Needed

To construct a fortune teller, you will need the following materials −

  • A piece of paper (square-shaped or rectangular-shaped)

  • Pen/pencil/marker

  • Scissors (optional)

Step 1: Prepare the Paper

Getting the paper ready to use is the first step that has to be taken. You can use any paper available, regardless of whether the shape is square or rectangular. If you are working with a piece of paper that is rectangular, you will need to fold it in half so that the finished product is square.

If you are using paper that has already been cut into a square, all you need to do is fold it in half and then unfold it. This is the only step that is required. This will give you an overall idea of where on the paper to fold it for the remaining steps.

Step 2: Fold the Paper into a Square

What you'll want to do next is to fold the paper into a square. To accomplish this, take one of the paper's corners and fold it over to meet the opposite corner. Crease the paper carefully. You should be left with a triangle when you're done.

The next step is to unfold the triangle, resulting in a piece of paper in the shape of a square being left behind after the process is complete.

Step 3: Make the Triangle Folds

You will need to fold the sheet of paper into triangles once it is cut into a square. To achieve this, fold each of the four corners of the paper into the center of the page. Check that the folds have been created correctly.

After folding the paper into triangles, turn it over so that the blank side faces up, leaving you with a diamond-shaped remnant.

Step 4: Make the Flap-Folds

The next step involves folding the envelope's flaps into place. Fold each of the diamond's corners into the center of the shape so that the shape resembles a diamond. Check that the folds have been created correctly.

When you are completed, you should have the outline of an eight-pointed star after you have folded the flaps in the correct spots. This should be the case when you reach the end of the process.

Step 5: Decorate the Fortune Teller

Now that you have the form of an eight-pointed star, you can adorn your fortune teller in any way you see fit. Depending on what you like best, the fortune teller can be decked out with various writing implements, such as pens and pencils, markers, and stickers.

If you are urged to use your creativity in creating your fortune teller, you should strive to make it as unique as possible. You might also scribble down the names of some of your close friends or family members or draw various symbols and patterns instead.

Step 6: Write the Fortunes

It is now time to conjure up some warnings. You will need to open the fortune teller and write four predictions on each of the panels that it possesses to achieve this task. Documenting the omens in an inventive and humorous way should be a priority for you. Take great care in this regard.

When you are ready to play, all you need to do is replace the cover on the fortune teller and jot down the fortunes it gives you.

Step 7: Play the Fortune Teller Game

You can save time getting back to business with the fortune teller; you can get started immediately. To take part in this, you will need the assistance of at least two other people.

The player who acts first in this game chooses the color of the fortune teller they want to use. After that, the second player decides whatever color the corresponding flap is by picking it out of a hat. This determines who wins.

The first participant will open the horoscope and select a number between 1 and 4. The second person will read the disaster predetermined for that number. The game will end once the fortunes have been analyzed and understood.


Making one's own fortune teller is a fun way to pass time; it requires very little technical skills or prior experience. All that you need to have is a blank sheet of paper, some pencils or markers, and an open mind. After you have finished making your fortune teller, you can play this game with your family and friends.

Updated on: 08-Feb-2023


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