How to Do a Layered Haircut?

A layered haircut is a type of hairstyle which is quite popular among women of all ages. This type of hairstyle adds volume and breadth to hair. In this haircut, the hair is arranged in layers where the upper part of the hair is kept short, and the lower part is kept long and fluffy. A layered haircut not only adds breath and length instead it makes one's hair look young, thick, and beautiful.

Not only a layered haircut also adds volume, but also the hair becomes light and fluffy. This haircut becomes easy when it comes to styling. The hairstylist recommends layer cuts because they give one's face a definite perfect shape and contour. A layered haircut makes hair look messy, curly, bouncy, and feathery.

Things Required to Cut Hair

You will need the following tools to cut hair &mionus;

  • A pair of sharp barber scissors, which cost a maximum of 200 rupees

  • A comb

  • A mirror

  • A back mirror

  • A spray bottle for wetting the hair during styling

The wetting process is one of the most critical steps in cutting one's hair

  • The moisture in the hair acts as a lubricant that helps the hair to be detangled

  • Can easily separate The hair into various sections

Layer haircuts differ in length. It can mow for both short and long hair.

Appropriately Wash the Hair Before Cutting

The hair should be appropriately washed The hair cause if the hair is oily and dirty, it becomes difficult to cut the hair because of the excess dirt that can damage and change the shape of the locks of hair. The hair becomes heavy, and their movement becomes difficult. In the case of fizzy hair, it is impossible to style one's hair.

Damping the Hair Slightly Before Cutting

One should slightly dampen their hair before starting to cut one's hair. If it is done earlier, it is the best option for one to do, but if not done, one should do it before cutting one's hair. This damping will allow us to give hair a perfect shape and structure.

Undamped hair can sometimes lead to unshaped edges the hair, which will look bad on us later on after our hair becomes dried. Wet hair will lead to a perfect haircut and also a good shape.

Division of Hair into Smaller Segments

Making segments of hair is essential. It will help to give the hair a perfect shape. The more hair one takes, the more complicated and messy the process becomes.

Layer the Top Hair into a Box

It would help if you turned the front segment of the hair into a box. This hair is the front part or the part of the lock, hold the piece in your hand and twist the hair twice in an anticlockwise direction. Now cut this part till under your eyebrows. If one wants more short bangs, one can also cut them short. After cutting the hair already −

  • Take the ends of the hair in between two fingers.

  • Point the scissor towards the tip of the hair.

  • Please give it a touch-up.

Now, you have already got a perfect layer for the front part of your hair. Now take your back hairs.

Now Layer the Sides

For new Learners or beginners, this part is the essential step. One should start by partitioning their hair from the middle. Now start cutting the hair according to what length one wants.

Touch up for the Already Cut Point

After the hair is done cutting, the central part is to make the hair look ideally in shape. This is done by pointing the scissor toward the direction of the sky now, pointing it toward the already cut section of the hair, looking for the unshaped parts, and starting cutting and correcting by the point-cutting technique.

To start cutting the hair into layers, one should begin to cut short layers at an angle of one hundred and thirty-five degrees (135°) to one hundred and eighty degrees (180°) angle on moving to the slightly more extensive or larger section. You can cut this at ninety degrees (90°) only.

For longer hair, the steps are as follows −

Portion the Hair into Sections

This process will help one to divide the hair into smaller sections. This process is essential for thick, long hair. First, put the whole hair in front of your face and comb it well. This should be done to prevent the hair from getting

Wet the Hair

The hair should be wet. Thus, it should be washed so that there are no oils or dirt in the hair. Now spray the hair. It will add elasticity to one hair. It also helps the hair to be detangled

Cutting into Layers

Take the first part of the hair. Now clip all the different sections; these sections should be done so that it becomes easy for one to handle the hair. The hair should be partitioned lengthwise, i.e., The small section should be from the long hair to the smaller hair. Now place the comb at about 45° forty-five degrees angle and place it in the hair. Start with the small parts to the large parts

Touch up the End Part of the Hair

After styling the hair overtakes, the hair should be trimmed to give it a perfect texture and shape. Now the hair looks long, fluffy, beautiful, and well-maintained.

Haircuts are mostly done so that the hair remains nourished. A layered haircut makes the hair lose much weight, and the texture looks healthy, fluffy, and beautiful. Not only that, a Layer haircut makes one's face looks stunning. It is the most manageable haircut to do, even at home.

Updated on: 20-Jan-2023


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