How to Create a Writing Portfolio


The writing portfolio is used in the professional world as a potential employer can evaluate the performance and analyze the determination of the writer. It is also used as a selfassessment. A writing portfolio is helped to elucidate a writer’s achievements as well as improvements. A writer, when writing an essay must remember that the point of view should represent in forth. Paragraph writing is a group of sentences where one must inform about only one topic. One needs to improve a writing portfolio through determination and skill.

What is a Writing Portfolio?

The collections of works that are written by a writer to exhibit the talents or skills are called a writing portfolio. The portfolios must be designed creatively and followed an organized template that depends on the purposes that a writer is targeting to attain. The writing portfolios are enormously conducted for various professional reasons like, for students’ portfolio writing, the lecturer can evaluate the capabilities of writing.

Purpose of a Writing Portfolio

There are various purposes for a writing portfolio. A writer who writes a portfolio is allowed to gather a writing body in one space and to write and organise the writing in an attractive format. Writing portfolio helps a student to improve his writing power through some writing processes: planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Some companies hire employees for content writing. The employees can improve their power of writing through a writing portfolio.

Contents in a writing portfolio

Some types of content need to be put in the writing portfolio. A perfect writing portfolio can be made through excellent writing skills and the power of choosing perfect words. Like to write an article one must give a short and catchy title and properly summarise the content that encouraged the reader and take an interest to read the content. A story can be improved through the improvement of the characters of the story. A summary is a part of the writing by which a reader decides about the requirement of the reading the contents or not. Notice is used generally in offices and various organisations. At the time of the writing notice, one must remember that the purposes of the notice should remain highlighted. Therefore, the contents of any type of writing portfolio must be catchy and attractive.

Steps to create a Writing Portfolio

There are some steps of the writing portfolio. They are –

Deciding a domain

The first step that one should remember at the time of writing portfolio is to settle and purchase a perfect name. The best rule of thumb is to conduct one’s name and add .com. One can look at the sites to watch about the domain that is available there. One should on which place one shortage to host and build their online portfolio. There are so many sites where one can build their own sites as a writer. In order to reach potential clients one can build the online freelancer that one presents through the platforms like Up-work. This type of site always improved and developed the ways for the independent writers.

Reviewing samples

The space that is set for one to write a writing portfolio, one must want to watch for pieces which can distribute as his foundation. There remains a challenge by which one can identify his best work that exists within his writing samples. The pieces which are well structured gained a professional tone.

Seeking guest opportunities

Many times there have not been so many pieces to attach to one’s portfolio. Then one should watch for opportunities that increase one’s visibility and power as an independent writer. One must improve his power of writing portfolio and produce new content.

Practising by writing for non-profit organisations

one must remember that if he wants to improve his writing skill for a writing portfolio, he must join as an independent writer’ in a non-profit organisation. One must reach out to those organisations that need for a content writer. There a new writer must achieve great experience.

Updating portfolio from time to time

One writer should remember that if he wants to improve as a writing portfolio he must update portfolio. The company that hires a content writer, not only seek his past writing samples but they want to see that he still writes actively.

Benefits of a Writing Portfolio

There are many benefits of a writing portfolio Like this helps to benefit one’s writing skill and power. One improved his imagination power when he continuously updated the power of writing. One of the benefits of a writing portfolio is that one can improve professionally.


Writing portfolio is the most important part for a writer. The creation of a writing portfolio depends on the writer who creates it and how he creates it with improvement and development. A writer should remember that when he writes a descriptive essay, need to set proper attention to using the words that remain appropriate for the essay, by which a reader read the essay with proper attention and create an image of the essay in their mind.


Q1. What is the proper format for a writing portfolio?

Ans. Generally, the portfolio is a type of online page that shows different links or images that are connected to one’s writing samples. One must show expertise in the writing portfolio.

Q2. What does a good writing portfolio consist of?

Ans. The type of writing samples’ that one wants in his work, depends on himself. At first, one must list his own writing portfolio and then shares the links.

Q3. What should not be included in a writing portfolio?

Ans. The writing that is not so good or the previous job that was not so powerful, that types of works should not be included in a writing portfolio

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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