How to Cook Hamburgers on the Stove?

Hamburgers are not just a popular food item but also affordable. They are easy to cook as well. This is why, in many households and restaurants, hamburgers are being prepared all the time. However, since you want to learn how to prepare delicious hamburgers on the stove and get your home or restaurant a professional look so that you get more customers than ever, read this guide until the end.

Hamburgers are among those foods that almost everyone in the house can cook. Whether you're a master chef or just starting to learn how to cook, preparing hamburgers will help you impress your friends and family members at any given moment. Before getting into specifics about how to cook hamburgers on the stove, let's take a quick look at why it's such a great idea to start cooking them instead of ordering them from restaurants or fast food chains.

Step 1: Making the Patties

If you want to make delicious burgers on the stove, you'll first need to make the patties. You could either use store-bought patties or make your own. There are many different ways to make patties for hamburgers, but the most common method is to mix some lean beef, salt, spices, and bread crumbs. Next, add shredded cheese to the mixture and form patties.

You can either place the patties on a skillet or cook them on both sides until they're done. Alternatively, you can use a griddle or a skillet for burgers. A skillet is an excellent choice for burgers because it allows you to brown the outside of the patty without cooking the inside. Once you've formed your patties, you can cook them immediately or freeze them until you're ready.

Step 2: Preparing the Hamburgers

Next, you'll need to prepare the hamburgers. First, you'll need to combine the ingredients and make the buns. For the buns, you can either use store-bought hamburger buns or make your own. Buns are essential for hamburger sandwiches.

So, when you're going to make hamburgers, make sure that you include the right kind of buns in your menu. Once you've prepared the buns, you can now make the hamburgers.

There are many ways to make hamburgers, but the most common way you'll see is using a skillet and grinding the beef.

Step 3: Cooking the Hamburgers

After you've prepared the patties, ground the beef, and made the buns, you can begin cooking the burgers. The most common way to cook hamburgers is to sear them in a skillet and then place them on a hot grill. Alternatively, you can use a grill pan, oven, or broiler for cooking the burgers.

When grilling the hamburgers, you can either use a skillet or a grill. A skillet is great for burgers because it allows you to brown the patty on both sides, or you can sear the patty in the skillet with oil or butter and then place them on a grill. Grilling the burgers is the most popular way to cook hamburgers. You can either use a gas stove or a wood-fired oven.

Step 4: Serving the Hamburgers

After cooking the hamburgers, you can now serve them. When serving hamburgers, you can either serve them with a side of French fries or potato salad. Alternatively, you can also serve them with coleslaw, fruit salad, corn on the cob, or baked beans.

If you're not a fan of sharing, you can also make a sandwich out of the hamburgers and place slices of bread on both sides of the hamburger. To add more flavor to your hamburgers, add herbs and spices to the meat before cooking them.

Tips and Tricks

If you want to make the burgers healthier, you can try to substitute the white bread with whole wheat bread.

  • Another trick to make the hamburgers more flavorful is to add fresh veggies to the meat before cooking.

  • One way to shorten the cooking time for hamburgers is by using a quick-cooking beef like sirloin tip beef.

  • Ensure that you do not over-mix the burgers when mixing the patties' ingredients.

  • Another trick you can try is to cover the pan with aluminium foil before placing the patties on it. This will create a barrier between the patties and the pan, causing them to cook fast and evenly.

  • Preheat your oven when preparing the buns and burgers before you begin cooking them. This is because it will help you get the burgers out of the oven faster.

  • If you want to decorate your hamburgers, you can use different toppings such as ketchup, mustard, pickles, or relish.

  • You can also add different flavors to the meat, such as chilli or roasted garlic.

  • You can also add other ingredients to the meat, such as onions, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, jalapenos, and cilantro.

  • When choosing the type of bun, you can try different buns such as wheat buns, focaccia buns, tortilla wraps, and hamburger buns.

  • Another way to ensure that your hamburgers taste better is to freeze them before you cook them. This is because when you freeze the meat, it will make it easier for you to slice it and make it easier for the patties to sear on the pan.

You can reduce the cooking time by using different cooking equipment. This is because some of these pans are designed to cook burgers fast, while others are designed to make the cooking time last longer.


Now that you know how to make hamburgers on the stovetop, you’ll also need to know how to cook them properly. The most important thing you need to remember is that you need to cook your hamburgers evenly.

So, when you're cooking the burgers, you must ensure they cook evenly on both sides. If you don't, they'll be tough, while the inside portion will still be raw. You can ensure that the burgers cook evenly using different cooking equipment.

Updated on: 27-Jan-2023


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