How to Clean Your Belly Button?

Leading a healthy and hygienic live does include regular bathing. The frequency may change according to climatic conditions. Targeting every body part for cleanliness is essential to get rid of dust, sweat, and odour. With particular emphasis on the private parts, do you regularly clean the belly button? Probably not. Soap and gel on the abdominal area, but does it include deep cleansing of the belly button? In some dresses and cultures, the belly button is exposed while it is hidden in others. Whichever it may be, the belly button requires greater attention!

Origin of the Belly Button

Soon after birth, the umbilical cord is cut, leaving a scar. The belly button is the stalk of the umbilical cord on the abdomen. It could be an inward or outward belly button, hidden deep within or protruding.

Unclean Belly Buttons Cause Problems

Hidden deep in the belly button, yeast, and bacteria might develop unless cleaned regularly. It is dark and moist, an easy breeding ground for fungus. It is a little fold of skin resting on the skin—a lousy odour results from sweat and dead skin cells.

In severe cases, it might become an infection. Worse still, a navel stone could form. Such conditions require medical attention and medications, maybe surgery too. How to properly clean the belly button area?

First Method – Conventional Cleaning

Get into the habit of cleansing the belly button during each shower. While covering each body region from head to toe, remember the belly button in the abdomen. During hot weather and sweating after exercise, the belly button requires a more thorough cleaning.  How to clean? No additional expense or effort is required. Consider it regular washing. A good-quality soap, along with tepid water, will do just fine.

Step 1

Use a washcloth with soap and water to carefully rub deep into the belly button. If the hand and fingers are convenient, try that. The result will be cleanliness in the absence of dirt and grime that has gathered for God knows how long. End with rinsing.

Avoid fancy soaps or gels that may be scented. They may irritate delicate regions like the belly button. An alternative is a saltwater solution. Prepare a teaspoon of salt and a cup of warm water solution. Wet the washcloth, massage the bb and rinse well with warm water. Saltwater destroys germs and removes dirt and dust.

Note − A pierced belly button requires much more attention until it heals well. Healing may take several months or even a year. The warm water solution helps to clean the area several times a day. Carefully follow the instructions given by the person who carried out the piercing.

Step 2

An innie is a deep belly button as compared to a protruding one. Cleaning is more complex with the innie. A cotton swab helps to reach the inner core and clean it effectively. A washcloth would be less effective. Use the same soap and water solution on the cotton swab but end with adequate rinsing. Avoid rough actions that may irritate the gentle skin.

Step 3

Dryness has its advantages since moisture enables the growth of fungus and bacteria. After the cleansing and rinsing are done, it is time to dry the area with a clean towel. Wait a while before dressing after bathing. Loose cotton clothing is suitable for hot climates and prevents excessive sweat. The powder has a similar effect.

Step 4

Besides soap or gel, warm or saline water, apply nothing else on the belly button. Oils and lotions will result in moisture building up that helps yeast and fungus to grow. You can safely use a light moisturizing cream if it is an outie.

Second Method – Removing Belly Button Odours

Foul belly button odours could result from mild infections. Sweat and dirt accumulate, and bacteria and fungus growth. If conventional cleansing does not end the smells, it requires a little more attention. What are the problems like? Pus and red skin, swelling, itching, or a fever? Piercings have a greater chance of developing infections and so be mentally prepared.

Step 1

Play it safe with a medical examination and prescription from a professional. Is it a bacteria or fungus? Avoid incorrect self-medication. A belly button swab would help determine what is wrong. Use a medication to deal with yeast or fungal infection.

You can use an over-the-counter antifungal powder or an antibiotic gel to get rid of the odour or any discharge. Avoid scratching the region. Clean sheets and towels should prevent further infection. Use a saltwater solution to cleanse the area daily. Limit the use of tightfitting clothes to keep the belly button dry and cool.

Step 2

If unlucky to have a cyst, it will require draining. Pain and swelling, along with a discharge, may follow. The doctor will do the draining at the office. An antibiotic would be needed to control the infection. A dry compress over the area would be advised several times each day. If it is a dressing, it will require changing once a day. Healing time would be about five days.

Continue with the gauze or dressing changes as advised. If the cyst relapses, surgery would be needed to eliminate it. That would require a brief hospital stay of 2 days.

Step 3

Though quite unlikely, a navel stone could develop in the long-neglected dirty belly button. The result of the accumulation of oils and grime could be a hard mass called an omphalith. A doctor uses forceps to remove the stone. Uncommonly, infections could also develop, which require treatment. You can prevent such occurrences by maintaining proper cleanliness and hygiene.


Though belly buttons do not get much attention, they should be thoroughly cleaned weekly or more frequently while bathing. Prevention is the best policy. The pandemic taught powerful lessons about personal hygiene. It is wise to extend hygiene to that little belly button region. Conversely, foul odours, infections, and irritation could happen due to inadequate hygiene.

Updated on: 04-Jan-2023


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