How should parents help their child to choose a career?

Repenting for the things you have done is much better than the things you have not done. As the philosophers have said, life is extremely short and every moment has to be lived up to the fullest. Every child is a unique creation gifted with so much potential to do something s/he is passionate about. To make a good career of your passion, parents play a very important role in becoming the guiding forces for their kids to choose their career -

Holistic Education

To set the children on the right path of career, it is most important to give them the right education which is all-encompassing. This education should help them understand the value of academics that gives the right amount of knowledge and skills. At the same time, it should also teach them to participate in arts, sports, music, drama, etc. This is important because limited exposure will keep their actual drive to do something for life and the ambitions untapped.

Do Not Pressurize

Many parents have the tendency to superimpose their decisions and expectations on their children. They even tend to have expectations from them to fulfill the unfinished dreams of their own. As a parent, remember that the path chosen by your child has to be walked alone by him/ her at the end of the day. The child has to face all the difficulties in their own selected path. You need to give them strength, courage and moral forces. Parents cannot spoon-feed their children all the time. Be a pillar to them in their decisions if you see their passion and commitment in it. Be a mentor and not a dictator of your child’s career.

See the Happiness

There needs to be meaning and happiness in whatever work your children do. Are they really getting the Joy in high packages and luxury or are they happy teaching some children their subjects? Their faces say it all. Understand where their core happiness is. Your child should feel satisfied at the end of the day and sleep with a smile that s/he is able to do something with the ability and knowledge.

Help by the SWAT

The children are sometimes too confused considering the exposure to the plethora of opportunities and the varied interests they pursue. Talk to them about the strengths, weakness and do the complete analysis of what it means to pursue a career in something. Expose them to the ground level realities of work culture. In the process, teach them to make decisions.

Updated on: 20-May-2022


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