How important are traditions to maintain fabric of the society?

Traditions differ from place to place and from religion to religion. However, these traditions have some meaning pertaining to human relations and social life. The tradition of fasting during the period of Eclipse is there in many traditions, which avoids ill-health as the food under digestion gets affected during the eclipse.

Celebrating festivals with family, friends, and neighbors is also a tradition which is mostly observed in all the religions. This promotes social integrity.

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Traditions are the weaving threads between generations where customs are passed on. Each community has its set of traditions. Hindu ladies perform group activities like exchanging "Haldi - Kumkum" during festivals which promote social togetherness and act as a platform to know about each other. The programs like "Annadaan" also make people come together for a good cause and do some social work. It is a tradition in most of the religions to distribute clothes to workers, washermen and the poor during festivals which enhances our commitment towards society.

How do they help?

What happens if we don’t follow any of these traditions? It is quite common that every human being has some selfishness. Though he is not much interested in donations and social gatherings, these traditions make people come together on such auspicious occasions.

When that feeling of festivity overwhelms, it is a human tendency that a person naturally becomes soft and sensible. This nature makes people think of others, donate something and spend some time for the well-being of the people around us. Traditions are the interweaving threads which help maintain fabric and harmony of the society.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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