Harappan Towns in Gujarat


The Harappan towns are a series of settlements that were found in the Gujarat region of western India. The towns date back to around 3,000 BCE and were occupied for an unknown period of time. The Harappan culture is a major archaeological discovery that is still being studied today.

Harappan Towns: A Chronological Overview

The discovery of Harappan towns in Gujarat has thrown up new insights into the civilization that flourished in the Indus Valley some 3,000 years ago.

The first Harappan settlements were unearthed in the early 1920s by a British archaeologist, R.D. Banerji, while he was working in the Gujarat region. Since then, archaeologists have discovered more than 150 Harappan towns and villages spread over an area of more than 1,500 square miles (3,900 square kilometers). Most of these settlements date back to around 3100 BC, and they are thought to have been the capitals of the Harappan civilization. Here is a chronological overview of some of the most important discoveries made so far about the Harappan civilization:1920s: The first Harappan settlements are discovered by R.D. Banerji in the Gujarat region.

  • The 1950s − Archaeologists begin excavating the first Harappan towns, revealing a sophisticated and prosperous civilization

  • The 1960s − More Harappan settlements are discovered, and it is realized that the civilization was far more extensive than initially thought.

  • The 1970s − The extent of the Harappan culture is further explored, with the discovery of many new towns and villages

  • The 1980s − Large-scale excavations take place in order to uncover more details about the Harappan way of life.

  • The 1990s − The last Harappan settlements are uncovered, providin

Evidence of Harappan Towns from Excavations

The Harappan towns of Gujarat are interesting archaeological site that has been discovered in the state of Gujarat in India. The excavations at Dholavira have yielded some of the most detailed and informative Harappan settlements to date, and the recently completed excavations at Kalibangan are set to add even more weight to this argument. The extensive remains at these sites reveal an intricate and well-developed urban system with large stone-built houses, public squares, drainage systems, and small enclosures for animals. Surprisingly, few artifacts have been found so far that can directly link the inhabitants of these towns to any other known cultures in the region. However, this is not necessarily indicative of a lack of contact - many Harappan artifacts show clear signs of trade with distant regions. It seems likely that these towns were home to a diverse range of people who interacted through trade and commerce. The towns date back to around 3000 BC and are thought to have been a major trading center. The discovery of the towns has led to some interesting new insights into the ancient Indian culture.

It was even home to a well-preserved temple. The town also appears to have had a sophisticated system of water management. This suggests that the town was highly advanced for its time. The discovery of the Harappan towns of Gujarat is an important step forward in understanding ancient Indian culture. They provide us with insights into the way that this culture functioned and how it differed from other cultures of the time.

Evidence of Harappan Settlements in Gujarat

The Harappan settlements in Gujarat have been the subject of much discussion and research. A surprising discovery was made in 2003 when a team of archaeologists discovered an ancient city in Gujarat. The city, which was initially thought to be dating back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, was actually from the Harappan period.

This discovery has led to renewed interest in the Harappan settlements in Gujarat, as well as in other parts of India that have previously been thought to be uninhabitable due to their geological conditions. Archaeologists are now exploring these settlements for clues about the culture and society of the Harappans.

The Harappan cities in Gujarat provide valuable insight into the culture and civilization of these ancient people. The sites provide evidence of trade and contact between different parts of India, as well as evidence of sophisticated civil engineering techniques.

Harappan Culture in the towns of Gujarat

The Harappan towns in Gujarat show the remnants of long and prosperous culture.

  • The people of this culture built large settlements that are still visible today. These towns were inhabited between 3000 and 1900 BCE, which makes them some of the oldest settlements in India.

  • The Harappan towns in Gujarat feature many impressive examples of architecture. These include temples, houses, and granaries. Some of the most impressive temples are found in Dholavira and Patan.

  • The houses were typically built with a series of concentric circles, which is an indication of wealth and status. The granaries were also very large and featured intricate carvings on their walls.

  • The people of the Harappan towns in Gujarat were highly skilled craftsmen. They made pottery, jewelry, tools, and weapons. They also created beautiful paintings on walls and floors. Many of these paintings have been preserved and can be seen at various museums around the world.

  • The Harappan towns in Gujarat are a testimony to the immense power and prosperity of the ancient Indian civilization. They provide a unique perspective on Indian culture and history that is not available elsewhere in India.


The Harappan towns of Gujarat are some of the oldest and most well-preserved and significant archaeological sites in India. Discovered in 1954, these towns date back to around 2600 BC and were home to a thriving urban culture. The towns have been excavated and studied extensively, and as a result, we know a great deal about their architecture, economy, religion, and social life. The remains at these sites provide an amazing window into the lives of people who lived during this time period, and they are a must-see for anyone visiting Gujarat. If you're interested in archaeology or Indian history, visiting one of these towns is worth your time.


Qns 1. What is meant by the ‘Harappan Civilization?

Ans. The term ‘Harappan Civilization’ refers to a culture that was found earlier in Indian history, around 3,000 BCE. Harappan towns are named after the land they were found in, which is called Harappa in Urdu. It is thought that this civilization originated out of the Indus Valley, which is famous for its urban planning and iconography. Some estimates suggest that there were as many as eighteen cities in north India at the height of their empire. In comparison, Harappa had a total estimated population of 500 people living in 48 different households.

Qns 2. Where is the current ‘Mesopotamian’ area located now?

Ans. Mesopotamian is in modern-day Iraq. There are still remnants of archaeological sites in this region that continue studying the excavations and developing methods to get more information on the Harappan Culture.

Qns 3. What was special about Harappan cities?

Ans. The Harappan cities were one of the first civilized towns that were discovered in India. They had developed a thorough system of irrigation and drainage facilities, coupled with advanced metallurgy made possible countless constructions, such as aqueducts, reservoirs, and underground sewers. Harappa is said to have been a very organized and planned city with different communities like traders, laborers, and administrators.

Qns 4. What were the main Harappan towns in Gujarat?

Ans. The main Harappan towns included Dholavira, Surkotada, and Lothal.

Qns 5. Which one is an ancient Indus Valley Civilization city located in Gujarat?

Ans. The most famous of the ancient Harappan towns is Lothal and another one is Kalibangan, both in Gujarat. There are 72 different towns listed by David Frawley with over 200,000 inhabitants.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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