Electrophilic Substitution of Benzene


An electrophilic substitution reaction is a kind of organic reaction wherein an electron- rich molecule, often a halogen, exchanges positions with the electron-poor atom of some other molecule. This reaction produces a new, highly stable molecule when emitting heat energy. The resonance of such a benzene ring allows the delocalized electron to traverse effectively throughout the benzene ring 𝐢 atoms. This also aids in the stabilization of the arenium ion. Although arenium ions are only partially stable, benzene is susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions. This is important to emphasize that now the aromaticity of the volatile component gets preserved in electrophilic aromatic substitutions. As an outcome, aromatic rings with bromine, chlorine, as well as iodine could be used to generate aryl halides in such reactions.

What is an Electrophilic Substitution Reaction?

An electrophile is indeed a chemical entity that thus accepts an electron pair but also develops a bonding with nucleophiles within chemistry. Whenever an 𝐻 atom has been relocated from such a substituent, the molecule's component commences its primary chemical reactions, described as electrophilic substitution reactions in such a compound.

An Overview of the Electrophilic Substitution of Benzene

Benzene has always been a highly combustible chemical with a pleasant odour; this is usually colourless as well as a light-yellow liquid at ambient temp, disappears instantly into the air, but seems to have the structural formula $\mathrm{C_{6}H_{6}}$. The 𝐻 atom in benzene is substituted either by electrophile during the electrophilic substitution of benzene even though this is precisely what electrophilic reactions involve, this replaces the hydrogen atom. Such reactions follow no set pattern as well as happen randomly. In addition, the aromaticity of benzene has not been affected by the reaction. Electrophilic substitution happens in numerous reactions of compounds having benzene rings - the arenas. Among the most significant electrophilic aromatic substitutions include aromatic nitration, sulfonation, halogenation, as well as Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction.

What is the Electrophilic Substitution Reaction of Benzene?

Whenever the chemical reactivity of benzene is equivalent to those of alkenes in aspects of precedence for addition reactions, substitution reactions take place. Certain reactions are known as an electrophilic aromatic substitution since the reagents, as well as conditions utilised in them, are electrophilic. Catalysts, as well as co-reagents, have been used to produce the intense electrophilic molecules required for the initial substitution phase. Studies have shown that benzene ring substituents could significantly affect reactivity. This inactivation of the benzene ring versus electrophilic substitution can indeed be attributed to the substituents' electron-donor and acceptor effect, as assessed via molecular dipole moments.

General Mechanism of the Electrophilic Substitution Reaction of Benzene

Electrophilic addition occurs in 2 steps, accompanied by deprotonation, which seems to be the procedure of electrophilic aromatic substitution. The fact that we would identify the electrophile once we recognize the product, which may be the atom as well as the group which thus replaces the 𝐻+, is a key aspect of this mechanism. The catalyst's role is to connect only with the leaving group as well as assist them in exiting in such a perfect state. More research is being done on the substitution reactions of molecules with adversarial substituent positions. Whereas if substituents seem to be identical, the symmetry of the molecule simplifies the decision once again. Whenever a compound possesses a coupling of non-bonding electrons that could be exploited for nearby charge stabilization, the component establishing power is typically used. The 3 stages in the electrophilic substitution reaction are as follows:

  • Generation of Electrophiles βˆ’ Iron bromide is a very useful Lewis acid for producing electrophiles from the chlorination, alkylation, as well as acylation of an aromatic ring. The existence of Lewis acid results in the formation of electrophiles. The electron pair first from the opposing reagent is accepted by the Lewis acid. The electrophiles formed include 𝐢𝑙+, as well as 𝑅+, in that order.

  • Carbocation Formation βˆ’ By forming a sigma compound or even an arenium ion, this electrophile assaults an aromatic ring. One of its hybridized carbon atoms within that uranium ion is 𝑠𝑝3. In a resonance setup, such an arenium ion achieves stability. The arenium ion loses its aromatic properties even though electron delocalization terminates at the 𝑠𝑝3 hybridized carbon.

  • Deprotonation Process βˆ’ This is the third step of electrophilic substitution. The reaction's motive is deprotonation, which allows it to continue energetically. One such step seems to have much lower activation energy, as well as the reaction, takes place very speedily.

Examples of Electrophilic Substitution Reaction

  • Benzene Sulfonation βˆ’ It is a process of heating benzene with sulfuric acid to produce benzene-sulfonic acid. The reaction would be completely reversible.

  • Benzene Nitration βˆ’ The origin of such nitronium ions promotes the removal of a water molecule as well as the formation of a nitronium ion via protonation of nitric acid from sulfuric acid.

  • Benzene Halogenation βˆ’ Benzene interacts with halogens to generate aryl halides in the existence of Lewis acid, like $\mathrm{FeCl_{3}}$ and $\mathrm{AlCl_{3}}$. It is referred to as benzene halogenation.


Benzene is an attractive chemical since it is more susceptible to electrophilic substitution processes than other hydrocarbons. Generally, the electrophilic substitution reaction of benzene is a 3-step process involving the generation of the electrophile, carbocation formation, and the removal of the proton. The benzene ring's resonance causes the delocalized electrons to spread efficiently over all the 𝐢 atoms of the benzene ring. It also helps to stabilize the arenium ion. Because of the partial stability of the arenium ion, benzene is especially susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions.


1. What are the main differences between the electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions?

Organic as well as inorganic chemistry generally exhibit nucleophilic or even electrophilic substitution reactions. Electrophilic substitutions occur when an electrophile replaces a functional group. A nucleophilic substitution occurs when a nucleophile attacks a positively charged atom.

2. Why does electrophilic substitution occur more quickly in aromatic amines than in benzene?

The electrons on the nitrogen atom in aniline are delocalized over its benzene ring because of resonance. Therefore, the electron density mostly on the benzene ring rises relative to benzene. In plenty of other words, when aniline is stimulated, electrophilic substitution happens more easily in aniline.

3. In Friedel-Crafts acylation, what is the electrophile?

The acylium ion has been resonance stabilized but also has a positive electrical charge on carbon. As an electrophile, such acylium ion interacts with the arene to produce the monoacetylated by-product.

4. What is the Lewis acid catalyst's involvement in electrophilic aromatic substitution?

As with $\mathrm{Cl_{2}}$, the Lewis acid speeds the process by correlating to the halogen, weakening the 𝐢— 𝐢𝑙 bond as well as rendering this a stronger releasing group, enabling nucleophiles to attack the associated carbon very quickly. There is no reaction without any of the Lewis acid.

5. Which group is the most active in the electrophilic substitution reaction?

Surprisingly, fluorine is perhaps the most reactive halogen. The overlapping of the lone pair within fluorine 2𝑝 orbital with its 𝑝 orbital on carbon would be predicted to be considerably better than those with the 3𝑝 as well as 𝑝 orbitals of 𝐢𝑙, π΅π‘Ÿ, as well as 𝐼.

Updated on: 30-Jan-2024


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