Does being youngest of siblings affect us?

Without a sibling, the childhood of a person has no taste. He does not know how to adjust and adapt and this affects his personality later on in life. Our siblings are our most constant companions throughout life.

Relationships Between Siblings

Our relationships with our parents and children are very precious and our siblings are our shadows. They have a significant impact on our development as individuals in a life full of obstacles and unhappy times. Not only we share our sorrows with them, but also our joys.

Research Conducted In this Field

An IZA Discussion Paper by Sandra E. Black ( the University of Texas at Austin and IZA), Erik Grönqvist (IFAU), and Björn Öckert (IFAU) study this relationship between birth order among Swedish men whose personalities were assessed when enlisting in the military.

The Researchers Have these Finding

  • First-born children show higher emotional stability than younger siblings.

  • Greater persistence in elders is observed too.

  • Elders siblings are more social than younger ones.

  • Elders are often more responsible and take initiatives.

Thus, younger siblings do bear the brunt of being born young. They have to suffer a lot at times but they are spoilt ones too in some families, especially the joint families. It all depends upon the kind of upbringing parents give to their children.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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