Different Types of Ecological Pyramids


Bio productivity in the environment is connected to the ecological system. At each trophic level, the range and characteristics of these productivities change uniformly. Ecological pyramids are the most effective graphical presentation which is used in giving a clear presentation of the biomass and most importantly bio-productivity. The basic and core concept of an ecological pyramid was presented by Raymond Lindeman and Evylen Hutchinson. With the help of these ecological pyramids, scientists are also said about the power supply process from body to body. This system helps to know about the ecological balance and bio productivity.

What is an Ecological Pyramid?

The significant link among all living beings, available at different trophic levels is associated with the concept of ecological pyramids. The lowest trophic level is associated with the base of such a pyramid. The stages, being upward represents different levels of the ecological graph among which the second most level is considered the primary consumers. All the bars, which are made in preparation for an ecological pyramid, are representatives of each significant and different trophic level. In presenting the flow of energy within different ecological levels as well, an ecological pyramid is applicable and important.

Different Types of Ecological Pyramids

  • Ecological Pyramid of Energy − Energy is one of the most important components of the ecological system. An ecological pyramid of energy is such a pyramid that possesses an upright direction. The significant energy flow within the food chain is considered always un-directional. As per this pyramid structure and concept, a certain amount of energy is lost in every stage of this pyramid in the form of heat.

  • Ecological Pyramid of Biomass − Each trophic level of the ecosystem possesses a certain amount of biomass. In the ecological pyramid of biomass, the level of biomass is considered while presenting the overall ecological balance in this area. This pyramid is generally upright in shape and is prepared on the basis of availability and the number of zooplanktons. In oceans, this pyramid structure is different and varies, as the number of phytoplankton is lower than the number of zooplanktons.

  • Ecological Pyramid of Numbers − Each level of the pyramid of numbers is associated with the number of organisms that changes at every different stage and level. Except for some critical situations, the shape of this type of ecological pyramid is generally upright (Woodson et al. 2020). In certain situations, such as in detritus of the ecological food chain, in which some organisms are found to be dependent on some dead animal, the shape of this pyramid changes.

Energy Flow in an Ecological Pyramid

At each level of the ecological pyramid, a certain amount of energy is consumed and reduces as well. A creature or living molecule transfer energy to another organism and in this process the energy portion reduces a little in every stage. The transformation of energy is inefficient and this is the reason behind a limited food chain. A limited portion of the energy is consumed and is stored in form of biomass. It is reported that an amount of around 10% of the whole consumed energy is stored in form of biomass. In the higher levels from three to six levels, the transferred energy is very low and as a result, the energy flow is inefficient in nature.

Importance of ecological pyramids

  • The overall condition and structural strength of the ecosystem can be measured with an ecological pyramid.

  • The food chain process and food in-taking habits of organisms can be explained with such a pyramid.

  • The energy transformation energy is also explained by presenting a properly developed ecological pyramid.

Limitations of ecological pyramids

  • An ecological pyramid is not very much applicable in terms of the difficult and critical food system.

  • In any of these pyramids, no saprophytes are considered which a huge limitation in understanding ecological balance is.

  • An ecological pyramid cannot explain the relation between climate and season and their impact on the ecological system.

  • The possibility rate of any species’ existence cannot be explained with an ecological pyramid.


Representation of the inefficiency level of a stage’s energy transformation process is done with the help of an ecological pyramid. A minute change in a singular trophic level can cause a huge difference among all the levels in an ecological pyramid and most importantly in ecological pyramids. The actual shape of a pyramid is seen in this structure as the base stage is the broadest one. An ecological pyramid helps in presenting the food consumption pattern of different types of organisms.


Qns 1. What are the three most important types of ecology that are integrally connected to the ecological pyramids?

Ans. Various types of ecology exist in the environment that helps in maintaining the overall ecological system. Three main types of ecology are behavioural ecology, landscape ecology and population ecology.

Qns 2. Which levels of ecology are important, based on which the ecological pyramid is maintained?

Ans. There are seven main levels of ecology. These levels are organisms, population, biological community, ecosystem, landscape, biome, and biosphere. All these levels play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Qns 3. What is the relation between the 10% law and with ecological pyramid?

Ans. Raymond Lindeman is the proposer of the 10% law. According to this law, at the time of transferring energy from a tropic level to another trophic level, just 10% of the associated energy is transferred. This portion of the organic matter remains in the later trophic level.

Qns 4. What is the reason for the ecological pyramids to be always upright?

Ans. In every step of the ecological pyramid, a certain amount of energy is lost as heat. In each of the trophic levels, the portion of available energy reduces. This is the reason for an ecological pyramid to be always upright.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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