Data Structures Algorithms Mock Test

This section presents you various set of Mock Tests related to Data Structures Algorithms. You can download these sample mock tests at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.

Questions and Answers

Data Structures Algorithms Mock Test IV

Answer : B


Recursion uses stack but the main reason is, every recursive call needs to be stored separately in the memory.

Answer : A


Heap maintains itself to meet all the requirements of complete binary tree.

Answer : C


In a min heap, parent nodes store lesser values than child nodes. The minimum value of the entire heap is stored at root.

Answer : D


Regardless of being min heap or max heap, root is always replaced by last element of the last level.

Answer : A


All possible spanning trees of graph G, have same number of edges and vertices.

Q 6 - From a complete graph, by removing maximum _______________ edges, we can construct a spanning tree.

A - e-n+1

B - n-e+1

C - n+e-1

D - e-n-1

Answer : A


We can remove maximum e-n+1 edges to get a spanning tree from complete graph. Any more deletion of edges will lead the graph to be disconnected.

Q 7 - If we choose Prim's Algorithm for uniquely weighted spanning tree instead of Kruskal's Algorithm, then

A - we'll get a different spanning tree.

B - we'll get the same spanning tree.

C - spanning will have less edges.

D - spanning will not cover all vertices.

Answer : B


Regardless of which algorithm is used, in a graph with unique weight, resulting spanning tree will be same.

Q 8 - Re-balancing of AVL tree costs

A - Ο(1)

B - Ο(log n)

C - Ο(n)

D - Ο(n2)

Answer : B


AVL rotations have complexity of Ο(log n)

Answer : D


The balance factor (BalanceFactor = height(left-sutree) − height(right-sutree)) is used to check if the tree is balanced or unbalanced.

Answer : A


BST does not care about complete binary tree properties.

Q 11 - The following sorting algorithms maintain two sub-lists, one sorted and one to be sorted −

A - Selection Sort

B - Insertion Sort

C - Merge Sort

D - both A &am; B

Answer : D


Both selection sort and insertion sort maintains two sublists and then checks unsorted list for next sorted element.

Q 12 - If locality is a concern, you can use _______ to traverse the graph.

A - Breadth First Search

B - Depth First Search

C - Either BFS or DFS

D - None of the above!

Answer : B


DFS is a better choice when locality-wise items are concerned.

Q 13 - Access time of a binary search tree may go worse in terms of time complexity upto

A - Ο(n2)

B - Ο(n log n)

C - Ο(n)

D - Ο(1)

Answer : C


At maximum, BST may need to search all n values in the tree in order to access an element, hence, Ο(n).

Answer : A


Shell sort uses insertion sort when interval value is 1.

Q 15 - A pivot element to partition unsorted list is used in

A - Merge Sort

B - Quick Sort

C - Insertion Sort

D - Selection Sort

Answer : B


The quick sort partitions an array using pivot element and then calls itself recursively twice to sort the resulting two subarray.

Answer : C


A stable sorting algorithm like bubble sort, does not change the sequence of appearance of similar element in the sorted list.

Answer : B


A sorting algorithm is said to be adaptive, if it takes advantage of already 'sorted' elements in the list that is to be sorted.

Answer : A


For this algorithm to work properly the data collection should be in sorted form and equally distributed.

Q 19 - If the data collection is in sorted form and equally distributed then the run time complexity of interpolation search is −

A - Ο(n)

B - Ο(1)

C - Ο(log n)

D - Ο(log (log n))

Answer : D


Runtime complexity of interpolation search algorithm is Ο(log (log n)) as compared to Ο(log n) of BST in favourable situations.

Q 20 - Which of the following algorithm does not divide the list −

A - linear search

B - binary search

C - merge sort

D - quick sort

Answer : A


Linear search, seaches the desired element in the target list in a sequential manner, without breaking it in any way.

Q 21 - The worst case complexity of binary search matches with −

A - interpolation search

B - linear search

C - merge sort

D - none of the above

Answer : B


In the worst case a binary search needs to access all elements of the target list, same as linear search.

Answer : B


Efficiency of algorithm is measured by assuming that all other factors e.g. processor speed, are constant and have no effect on implementation.

Answer : B


In this analysis, actual statistics like running time and space required, are collected.

Answer : B


Project scheduling is an exmaple of dynamic programming.

Q 25 - In conversion from prefix to postfix using stack data-structure, if operators and operands are pushed and popped exactly once, then the run-time complexity is −

A - Ο(1)

B - Ο(n)

C - Ο(log n)

D - Ο(n2)

Answer : B


Infix to postfix conversion using stack will have run time complexity of Ο(n).

Answer Sheet

Question Number Answer Key
1 B
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 A
6 A
7 B
8 B
9 D
10 A
11 D
12 B
13 C
14 A
15 B
16 C
17 B
18 A
19 D
20 A
21 B
22 B
23 B
24 B
25 B