Braided Hairstyles: Meaning and Types

Braided hairstyles are a popular and versatile form of hairstyling that have been used for centuries across different cultures and civilizations. Braids can range from simple and understated to intricate and eye-catching, making them a great choice for both casual and formal occasions. Braided hairstyles can be created with natural hair, extensions, or a combination of both. Whether you prefer braids that are tightly woven or loosely woven, braided hairstyles offer a unique and creative way to express yourself through your hair.

List of the 10 Most Popular Braided Hairstyles

Here is a list of the 10 most popular braided hairstyles −

  • French Braid − A classic braided style in which the hair is braided from the crown of the head to the nape of the neck.

  • Dutch Braid − A Dutch braid is a type of braid that involves braiding the hair underneath the surface, creating a raised and defined braid.

  • Fishtail Braid − A fishtail braid is a braided hairstyle that is created by splitting the hair into two sections and braiding them in an alternating pattern.

  • Box braids − Box braids are small, individual braids that are created by dividing the hair into small sections and braiding each section from the roots to the tips.

  • Cornrows − Cornrows are tight, braided hairstyles that are created by braiding the hair close to the scalp in straight rows.

  • Braided Updo − A braided updo is a hairstyle that involves braiding the hair and securing it into an updo or bun at the nape of the neck.

  • Crown Braid − A crown braid is a braided hairstyle that involves braiding the hair around the head, creating a crown-like effect.

  • Waterfall Braid − A waterfall braid is a braided hairstyle that involves letting strands of hair fall through the braid to create a cascading effect.

  • Dutch Fishtail Braid − A Dutch fishtail braid combines elements of both the Dutch braid and the fishtail braid to create a unique braided style.

  • Boho Braids − Boho braids are a bohemian-inspired braided style that is often loose and relaxed, with strands of hair left out for a carefree and effortless look.

There are many more styles of braids that exist, and many more styles can also be created. It's worth noting that the examples above are just a few of the many popular braided hairstyles.

How to Make the Braids Mentioned Above?

Methods are described category-wise −

French Braid

  • Start with clean, dry hair and divide it into three sections.

  • Cross the right section over the middle section, then cross the left section over the new middle section.

  • Add hair from the right side to the right section, and then cross it over the middle section. Repeat this step on the left side.

  • Continue adding hair and braiding in this manner, bringing the outer sections into the middle as you braid.

  • Braid until you reach the end of your hair, and secure the braid with a hair elastic.

Dutch Braid

  • Start with clean, dry hair and divide it into three sections.

  • Cross the left section underneath the middle section, then cross the right section underneath the new middle section.

  • Add hair from the left side to the left section, and then cross it underneath the middle section. Repeat this step on the right side.

  • Continue adding hair and braiding in this manner, bringing the outer sections underneath the middle as you braid.

  • Braid until you reach the end of your hair, and secure the braid with a hair elastic.

Fishtail Braid

  • Start with clean, dry hair, and divide it into two sections.

  • Take a small piece of hair from the outer edge of one section and cross it over to the other section.

  • Repeat step 2, taking a small piece of hair from the outer edge of the other section and crossing it over to the first section.

  • Continue alternating between the two sections, adding small pieces of hair to each section as you braid.

  • Braid until you reach the end of your hair, and secure the braid with a hair elastic.

Box Braids

  • Start with clean, dry hair, and divide it into small sections.

  • Take one of the sections and divide it into three equal parts.

  • Braid the three sections together, starting at the roots and braiding until the ends of the hair.

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each section of hair.

  • Once all sections have been braided, you can secure the ends of the braids with hair elastics or beads.


  • Start with clean, dry hair, and section it into small, rectangular pieces.

  • Take one of the sections and divide it into three equal parts.

  • Braid the three sections together, starting at the roots and braiding towards the ends of the hair.

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each section of hair, braiding the braids close to the scalp to create a row of cornrows.

  • Secure the end of each braid with a hair elastic.

Braided Updo

  • Start with clean, dry hair and create one or more braids, such as a French braid, a Dutch braid, or a regular three-strand braid.

  • After you've finished braiding, twist or tuck the ends up and secure them with bobby pins.

  • Repeat the twisting and pinning process until you have created the desired braided updo style.

  • Finish with a strong-hold hair spray to keep the braids in place.

Crown Braid

  • Start with clean, dry hair and divide it into two sections, one at the top of your head and one at the bottom.

  • Braid the top section of hair into a French braid or Dutch braid, braiding towards the back of your head.

  • Once the braid reaches the nape of your neck, secure it with a hair elastic.

  • Take the bottom section of hair and braid it into a regular three-strand braid.

  • Wrap the bottom braid around the top braid, tucking the end of the bottom braid under the top braid, and secure it with bobby pins.

Waterfall Braid

  • Begin with clean, dry hair and divide it into three sections, one at the top, one in the middle, and one at the bottom of your head.

  • Braid the top section of hair into a three-strand braid, but instead of adding hair to the braid on each turn, drop the outermost strand and let it fall into the next section of hair.

  • Repeat step 2, alternating between the middle and bottom sections of hair.

  • Once you reach the end of your hair, secure the braid with a hair elastic.

Dutch Fishtail Braid

  • Start with clean, dry hair, and divide it into two sections.

  • Take a small piece of hair from the outer edge of one section and cross it over to the other section.

  • Repeat step 2, but this time, take a small piece of hair from the inner edge of the same section and cross it over to the other section.

  • Continue alternating between the two sections, adding small pieces of hair to each section as you braid.

  • Braid until you reach the end of your hair, and secure the braid with a hair elastic.

Boho Braids

  • Start with clean, dry hair, and divide it into small sections.

  • Take one of the sections and braid it into a three-strand braid.

  • Repeat step 2 for each section of hair.

  • Once all sections have been braided, gently pull on the edges of each braid to loosen it and give it a more relaxed, boho look.

  • You can leave the braids as-is or twist or tuck them up into an updo style.


In conclusion, braided hairstyles are a timeless and versatile way to add flair and style to your hair. From the simple three-strand braid to the intricate crown braid, there is a braided hairstyle to suit every occasion and personal style. Whether you're looking for a low-maintenance everyday look or a special occasion hairstyle, braids offer endless possibilities. With practice and creativity, you can create beautiful and unique braided hairstyles that suit your needs and reflect your personal sense of style.

Updated on: 20-Mar-2023


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