Best Natural Ingredients for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological or skin disease that causes rashes, red lumps, hives, and scaly patches around the kneed, trunk, elbows, and sometimes on the scalp. People with psoriasis often need a longer recovery cycle, and the disease can reappear from time to time. Some people also have psoriasis for weeks and months that may go away naturally. Anyone with psoriasis may face different symptoms, including bleeding, peeling skin, and rashes, which may interfere with their regular lifestyle.

While there are many treatments for psoriasis, getting some relief often becomes challenging for the patient. Besides the conventional treatment, you can go to Mother Nature to get some relief from the rashes and psoriasis.

Thankfully many natural methods can cure and control psoriasis. All these natural remedies are harmless and do not have any side effects. Here are the top natural methods you can try if you have psoriasis-

Aloe Vera

To relieve psoriasis conditions like scaling, skin discoloration, itching, and irritation, you can use aloe Vera extracts and lotions or ointments made of aloe Vera extracts. As per experts, any cream or lotion containing 0.05% aloe Vera can work wonders for mild to moderate cases of psoriasis. To get the best results, try to apply the ointments or lotions at least three times a day. Aloe contains anti-inflammatory properties and is enriched with a compound called Triamcinolone acetonide, known to treat psoriasis. You can buy topical medicines containing aloe Vera extract quickly at any pharmacy.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known for its anti-inflammatory property, and it can offer relief to people suffering from nail psoriasis, foot psoriasis, and scaly psoriasis. You can easily make your DIY oil by mixing olive and tea tree oil in a 10:1 ratio. Apply it at least twice to the affected area to get some relief.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used to treat skin issues for ages in Asian and African countries. Coconut oil helps to lock moisture on the skin. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. On top of that, it creates a protective layer around the affected area.

For dry and scaly psoriasis, applying coconut oil can help to loosen up the scaly patches of your skin.

It is always better to use virgin coconut oil or cold-pressed coconut oil without additives. Take small amount of the oil and apply it over the psoriasis patches to minimize the dryness and redness.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you suffer from scalp psoriasis, you can use apple cider vinegar. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can control the dry patches on your scalp.

Take apple cider vinegar concentrate and mix it with water to dilute it. Apply it all over the scalp, especially on the psoriasis-affected area. Wait for five to ten minutes, and then rinse off with water.

Please note that you should never apply apple cider vinegar if the skin is peeled off or there is bleeding on your scalp.


Oatmeal is known to give relief from excessive itchiness and inflammation. Hence, it will prevent the itchy feeling and keep psoriasis under control. Take half a cup of oatmeal and store it inside a muslin cloth or pantyhose to make a small bag. Now, throw that bag in a warm water-filled bathtub. Let it soak for a few minutes before you bathe.

But, those who suffer from scaly and dry skin patches should avoid using oats frequently to treat their psoriasis. It is because oats tend to make skin dry,

Pine Bark Extract

Pine bark extract contains Pycnogenol, which is known to be an antioxidant in nature. Hence, pine bark extract can offer relief from the scaly patches and skin itching caused by psoriasis.


Turmeric, especially popular in the Indian subcontinent and Middle Eastern Asia, is an effective home remedy for psoriasis. It contains curcumin, which is proven to cure psoriasis. Studies revealed that it relieves itchiness and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.

There are different ways to incorporate turmeric to treat psoriasis at home. You can make a paste or ubtaan by infusing water and turmeric powder in a 2:1 ratio. Now, boil the mixture until you get a thick and creamy paste. Let it cool down. Now, apply the paste to the psoriasis- affected area.

You can also add turmeric to your food to treat psoriasis as well. Please note that to treat your psoriasis, always buy it from certified health stores and choose any additive-free turmeric powder variation.

Oregon Grape

Oregon grape is another herb that is known for its antimicrobial properties. As per recent studies, it can even treat mild to moderate psoriasis. The root of this plant contains berberine and other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory reagents. It prevents dryness and keeps skin moisturized as well.

You can easily find Oregon grape ointments or lotions from reputable pharmacies or online stores to treat your psoriasis.

Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea salt can cure mild psoriasis due to its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. You can use Dead Sea salt to relieve itchiness, scaly skin, and other issues that appear due to psoriasis. Take a Dead Sea salt bath in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes. You need to soak the affected areas of your body to get results.

But, it can cause dryness if used frequently. Hence, always use the alt in moderation.

Get Plenty of Sunlight

The ultraviolet rays of sunlight can cure psoriasis to a mild level. Make sure to go outside and soak in the warm sun to get enough opportunity. But make sure to apply sunscreen on your skin (except for areas affected by psoriasis) to prevent sunburn.


Psoriasis can be irritating and can cause severe pain and discomfort. You can use the natural ingredients mentioned above to keep the skin condition under control. All these natural remedies are easy-to-follow, and you can find things at any nearby store. On top of that, these methods also do not have side effects! But please remember that you must eat healthily and maintain hydration to ensure all these methods work correctly!

Updated on: 13-Mar-2023


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