• Android Video Tutorials

Android Mock Test

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Questions and Answers

Android Mock Test IV

Answer : B

Fragment is a peace of an activity. If you want to move your application in 360 degrees, you can do this by using a fragment.

Answer : D

Using FragmentManager.findFragmentByID(R.id.fragment), we can find the fragment/fragments which are placed on the layout

Q 3 - How many orientations does android support?

A - 4

B - 10

C - 2

D - None of the above

Answer : A

According to the Google documentation, Android supports 4 types of orientations, those are landscape, portrait, sensor and No orientation

Answer : C

Fragment life cycle is as shown below −


Answer : A

Each application runs securely in sandbox without interrupting another process. If an application is running in a sandbox, outside application can't touch sandbox application

Answer : A

Android is having two levels of securities, they are as App level security and kernel level security

Answer : C

Android is having four levels of protection in android permission tag. They are normal, dangerous, signature, and signatureOrsystem

Answer : B

The super.onCreate() will create the graphical window for subclasses and place at onCreate() method.

Answer : A

It is not mandatory, the program will work perfectly without fail, but the programmer has to implement the life cycle of activity.

Q 10 - Is it possible activity without UI in android?

A - No, it's not possible

B - Yes,it's possible

C - We can't say

D - None of the above

Answer : B

Without UI, we can call an activity, It will do some background functionalities.

Q 11 -What are return types of startActivityForResult() in android?




D - A & B

E - B & C

Answer : D

strartActivityforResult() returns RESULT_OK and RESULT_CANCEL.

Q 12 - What is ANR responding time in android?

A - 10 sec

B - 5 sec

C - 1 min

D - None of the above

Answer : B

ANR responding time is 5 sec. If an application is not responding within 5 sec, ANR will occur

Q 13 - What is transient data in android?

A - Permanent data

B - Secure data

C - Temporary data

D - Logical data

Answer : D

Transient data is logical data and we can store application logic in it.

Answer : A

Android version 2.2 is deprecated so we don't need to call MIN version to be 1

Answer : C

Using with Javac, we can compile Java files

Use dx tool to convert all Java class files to single dex file

Use AAPT tool to create apk file

Sign the apk file by using jar signer

Zipalign of signed apk

Answer : E

Give same id for both notifications.


Answer : D

Set can't contain duplicate values. Examples of set are hashset,treeset and linked hash set

The list contains duplicate values. Example of list is linked list and array list

Answer : A

The Interface acts as a bridge between class and the outside world. Interface contains method declaration, nested types, and constants.

Answer : B

Anchor View provides the information on respective relative positions of views.

Answer : C

Foreground activity should be onCreate() −> onStart() −> onResume() in activity life cycle.

Answer : B

Class can be immutable.

Answer : D

The concurrent executable unit is called a thread. It's performs some background functionalities with services.

Q 23 - What are the main components in android?

A - Activity

B - Services

C - Broadcast Receiver

D - Content provider

Answer : A,B,C and D

The main components in android are Activity, services, Broadcast Receiver and content providers.

Answer : A

Bean class can hold other states and objects. It contains all fields which are private with setter and getter.

Answer : C

Synchronization without internet in which we can take the application data without internet.

Answer Sheet

Question Number Answer Key
1 B
2 D
3 A
4 C
5 A
6 A
7 C
8 B
9 A
10 B
11 D
12 B
13 D
14 A
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 A
19 B
20 C
21 B
22 D
23 A
24 B
25 C