8 Foot Exercises for Bunions

This article will discuss eight-foot exercises for bunions that can help reduce pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles in your feet.

What are Bunions?

Bunions are a common foot condition that affects many people, particularly women. A bunion is an abnormal bony growth at the toe's base that causes it to deviate from its usual position. This can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. While bunions have various treatment options, including surgery, foot exercises can effectively alleviate symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening.

What Causes Bunions?

Bunions can develop for a variety of reasons.

One common cause is genetics; some people are more prone to developing this condition due to inherited foot structure or mechanics. Bunions can also develop due to wearing ill-fitting shoes, such as tight shoes or high heels, that put pressure on the toes and force them into an unnatural position. Certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also increase the risk of developing bunions.

What are the Symptoms of Bunions?

Symptoms of bunions may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Common symptoms include −

  • Pain and Discomfort − Bunions can cause pain and discomfort in the affected area, especially when wearing tight shoes or during physical activity.

  • Swelling − The bony bump on the outside of the foot can cause swelling and inflammation.

  • Redness − The affected area may appear red and inflamed.

  • Stiffness − Bunions can cause stiffness and limited mobility in the affected joint.

  • Corns and Calluses − Due to the abnormal position of the big toe, corns and calluses may develop on the affected area.

If left untreated, bunions can become more severe and cause significant pain and discomfort. In extreme cases, surgery may be required to correct the condition. It is necessary to seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of bunions, as early treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and improve your overall foot health.

Foot Exercises for Bunions

Spreading Toes

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while seated in a chair to perform the toe spread exercise.

  • Extend your toes as far as they will go, hold for a few seconds, and then relax.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to stretch the muscles and ligaments in the feet, promoting better circulation and reducing the risk of bunions.

Toe Curls

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while seated in a chair to perform toe curls. Curl your toes downward and try to grab the floor with them.

  • Maintain this posture for a few seconds before releasing.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise improves flexibility and strengthens the muscles in the foot, lowering the likelihood of bunions.

Arch Stretch

  • Sit on a chair with your feet flat to complete the arch stretch.

  • Lift your heels off the ground while keeping your toes on the floor.

  • Maintain this stance briefly before returning your heels to the ground.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to stretch the arches of your feet, promoting better circulation and reducing the risk of bunions.

Foot Roll

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while seated in a chair to perform the foot roll.

  • Roll a tennis ball or comparable item back and forth from your toes to your heel.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to stretch and massage the muscles in your feet, promoting better circulation and reducing the risk of bunions.

Toe Flexes

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while seated in a chair to perform toe flexes.

  • Flex your toes upward as far as possible, hold for a few seconds, and then release.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your feet, improving flexibility and reducing the risk of bunions.

Toe Extensions

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while seated in a chair to perform toe extensions.

  • Extend your big toe as far as possible, and maintain this stance for few seconds, then return to original posture.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to stretch the muscles in your feet and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of bunions.

Achilles Stretch

  • To perform the Achilles stretch, stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall for support.

  • Place one foot behind the other, keeping both heels on the ground.

  • Lean forward, stretching the calf muscles in the back leg.

  • Maintain this posture for few seconds, and then switch legs.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to stretch the muscles in your feet and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of bunions.

Calf Raises

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart to complete calf lifts.

  • Raise your heels gradually, keeping your toes on the ground.

  • Maintain this stance briefly before returning your heels to the ground.

  • Repeat this exercise for a few minutes every day.

  • This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your feet and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of bunions.


Bunions are a frequent foot problem that causes pain, discomfort, and walking trouble. While genetics, ill-fitting shoes, and medical issues can contribute to bunions' development, there are also effective strategies to treat and avoid the problem. Foot exercises such as toe spreads, toe curls, arch stretches, foot rolls, toe flexes, toe extensions, Achilles stretches, and calf lifts help increase flexibility, strength, circulation and minimise the risk of bunions. If you have any signs of bunions, you should seek medical assistance immediately since early treatment can prevent the issue from deteriorating and improve your overall foot health. You may help your feet by including these foot workouts into your routine and proactively caring for them.

Few FAQs Regarding Bunions and its Treatment

Q. Can bunions be cured?

A. Bunions cannot be cured, but they can be managed through various treatments, including foot exercises, changes in footwear, orthotics, and surgery.

Q. Are bunions hereditary?

A. Yes, bunions can be hereditary, as some people are more prone to developing the condition due to inherited foot structure or mechanics.

Q. Are high heels a cause of bunions?

A. Wearing ill-fitting shoes, including high heels, can cause bunions by putting pressure on the toes and forcing them into an unnatural position.

Q. How can bunions be prevented?

A. Bunions can be prevented by wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, incorporating foot exercises into your daily routine, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding activities that put excessive pressure on your feet.

Q. When should I see a doctor for bunions?

A. When experiencing bunions, such as pain, swelling, redness, stiffness, or limited mobility in the affected area. Early treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and improve your foot health.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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