5 Types of Tea That May Support Your Immune System

It's no surprise that consuming tea is beneficial to your health. Tea has long been used in the medieval treatment and is seen as a panacea in several Asian nations.

The advantages of consuming tea extend well above merely experiencing better while sick. Tea can help safeguard brain function, boost cardiac health, and help avoid some cancers. Here, we'll go over all the medical advantages of consuming tea so you can curl up with your favorite cup and slurp to your happiness.

One of the most consumed beverages worldwide is tea. The two main categories of tea are true teas and herbal teas. Additionally, there are flavoured teas that combine a genuine tea base with botanical infusions.

True Tea

The Camellia Sinensis plant's leaves are used to make true teas. Available teas include black, oolong, white, and green tea. Whereas various teas are created utilizing the same Camellia Sinensis leaf tissue, the color and flavor vary due to the manufacturing method.

The least processed teas are green and white, which are the purest. These teas haven't undergone oxidation. The leaf is picked and treated to stop the chemical reaction that causes the leaflets to turn dark brown or black. These teas are among the best since they retain their original green hue.

Oolong tea has only minimally oxidized compared to black tea, which has undergone oxidation. Old tea that has undergone post-oxidation is pu-erh tea. Although they are regarded as superior to green tea, these real teas provide several health benefits. The caffeinated level in real teas varies depending on the variety and method of production.

Herbal Tea

Berries, roots, herbs, leaves, and stems from diverse species are steeped to make herbal teas. Herbal tisanes are another name for herbal teas. Because they include diverse components, these teas have medical advantages that vary from real teas. Popular herbal drinks include ginger tea, peppermint tea, and chamomile tea. Caffeine is not present in herbal teas.

Benefits of Tea

It safeguards cardiac health

Modern data suggests that consuming tea might reduce the risk of major cardiac diseases, such as heart attacks and blood clots. Tea has anti-inflammatory qualities that aid in calming artery cells. This reduces the chance of swelling, which can impede blood flow and induce clots.

Tea drinking may also aid in the reduction of high blood pressure and cholesterol. Persons who consume four cups or higher of herbal tea daily have a 32% lower chance of cardiac attacks and considerably lower rates of harmful LDL cholesterol.

Energy Boost

Green tea includes caffeine, which can help you feel more energized. Green tea is a wonderful alternative for people who want to reduce caffeine consumption due to its reduced caffeine content.

The amino group L-theanine contributes to green tea's power qualities. This amino acid decreases caffeine uptake. Green tea provides a longer-lasting and better consistent increase of adrenaline than just a mug of coffee. You'll have more concentration and stamina even without the restless adverse effects or collapse that coffee causes. L-theanine also increases alpha vibrations in the brain, which helps to boost attention while also providing soothing and restful benefits.

Helps lose weight

Because of its biochemical makeup, tea might aid in weight reduction. Tea includes amino acids that stimulate the system to eliminate fat that has been accumulated. Green tea contains caffeine, which boosts energy and allows you to exercise more effectively.

Research has discovered such advantages to be more prominent in people of Asian descent. Other races may have increased weight reduction results, albeit to a lesser extent.

Tea extract is a common reducing weight product that claims to help you lose weight faster. Tea extraction is just condensed green tea leaves. Tea can offer similar weight reduction advantages as consuming a pill.

Mental Health

Tea drinking has proven to be associated with a reduced incidence of neurological illness and a reduction in anxiety rates. Tea use has also been demonstrated to help reduce cognitive loss linked with neurological diseases, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Tea has inherent soothing properties that might assist you in relaxing following a long workday.

Tea includes antioxidants, which serve to protect normal tissues from oxidative assault. Tea's antioxidants remove free electrons created by pollutants and other causes that might lead to oxidative stress. Memory and sadness have been related to oxidative toxicity. Antioxidants also aid in the removal of pollutants from the system, which can lead to psychological health issues. Tea consumers have proven to have reduced anxiety rates and better general wellness when they consume it routinely.

How tea supports immunity?

Most of the tea's immunological and general health advantages are attributed to polyphenols, a kind of antioxidant. A substantial amount of epidemiological evidence has demonstrated that a polyphenol-rich diet is preventive for persistent health disorders such as heart illness and type 2 diabetes.

Teas are exceptionally high in flavonols, which are polyphenols. Certain plant compounds have been demonstrated to aid in the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Regarding your immunity, antioxidants may help defend the system from free radicals caused by pollutants, tobacco smoke, and UV radiation. Free electrons can affect health, particularly weakening immunity.

Several tea kinds may benefit your immunity system. Green, black, white, and oolong teas are derived from a single perennial plant, Camellia Sinensis. What distinguishes them is how they are cooked. Variations in manufacturing, geographic region, and plant species contribute to tea's distinctive tastes and nutritional contents, which may imply that certain teas have more immunological advantages than many others.

5 Types of Tea

Matcha Tea

Unlike matcha tea, conventional beverages do not require the consumption of tea leaves. Matcha is a green tea that originated in Japan but has now acquired appeal worldwide. The distinction between green tea and matcha green tea is in growth and manufacturing, with the latter growing far from daylight for many months before harvesting. The stems and stalks of the leaves are then cut, while the tea leaves are crushed and powdered. 

Goji berry Tea

Goji berry tea is one of the favorites if you're seeking caffeine-free teas. Goji berry tea isn't genuine, although it is referred to as such because its color is similar to tea.

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is used in cooking as a flavor, but the powder, which is shredded from the turmeric plant, may also be consumed as a tea if mixed with water.

White Tea

If you wish to reduce overall caffeine intake to a minimum, white teas like silver needle and white pony are a few options.

Hibiscus Tea

Searching for a tart-tasting tea that may have immune-boosting characteristics then y You might wish to test hibiscus tea.


Tea may have medical advantages, and specific varieties of tea can assist in boosting resistance. Those five teas are very high in antioxidants, which help to preserve the cells and maintain a strong immunity, among other things. Because certain herbal teas, such as goji berry, hibiscus, and turmeric, include medical characteristics, consult your doctor beforehand if you are taking drugs, pregnant, or nursing.

Updated on: 08-Feb-2023


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