WML - ontimer Event

The ontimer event is used to trigger an event after a given time period. Let's say you want to display a message after 5 seconds of loading a card, then you can use this event to do so.

Here is the syntax to define an event handler for ontimer event:

<onevent type="ontimer">
   A task to be performed.
<timer value="50"/>

Here, it means that a task will be performed after 5 seconds.

Following is the example showing usage of ontimer event along with <onevent> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<card id="splash" title="splash">
  <onevent type="ontimer">
    <go href="#welcome"/>
  <timer value="50"/>
  <a href="#welcome">Enter</a>

<card id="welcome" title="Welcome">
Welcome to the main screen.

When you load this program, it shows you the following screen:

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If you do not select given Enter option, then after 5 seconds you will be directed to Welcome page and following screen will be displayed automatically.

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