UDDI API - delete_publisherAssertions


The delete_publisherAssertions API call causes one or more publisherAssertion elements to be removed from a publisher's assertion collection.

Upon successful completion, a dispositionReport message is returned with a single success indicator.

Version 2.0 Syntax

<delete_publisherAssertions generic = "2.0" 
   xmlns = "urn:uddi-org:api_v2">


authInfo − This required argument is an element that contains an authentication token. Authentication tokens are obtained using the get_authToken API call.

publisherAssertion − These are one or more publisher assertion structures exactly matching an existing assertion that can be found in the publisher's assertion collection.

Error Returned

If any error occurs in processing this API call, a dispositionReport element is returned to the caller within a SOAP Fault. The following error number information will be relevant −

E_assertionNotFound − It signifies that one of the assertion structures passed does not have any corresponding match in the publisher's assertion collection. This also occurs if a publisher assertion appears multiple times in the message. The assertion that caused the problem will be clearly indicated in the error text.

E_authTokenExpired − It signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is no longer valid because the token has expired.

E_authTokenRequired − It signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is either missing or is not valid.
