SE Quality Q & A #9

Question:Explain software reliability and define how software and hardware reliability related to each other.

Answer: - Reliability of software may be defined with the following points.

  • Accuracy of the software.

  • Presence of zero percent failure in software.

  • To fulfill the user need.

  • Capacity of error avoidance.

  • Capacity of recovery.

  • Maturity of software.

Definition of a software reliability given by IEEE is

The ability of a software or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.

Reliability of a software can be define as a software which have no failure and working in a special time period with special environment. Probability of failure may be defined with the probability that the software will be fail on the next input selected. IEEE gives the definition of software reliability management as:

The process of optimizing the reliability of software through a program that emphasizes software errors prevention , fault detection and removal and the use of measurements to maximize reliability in light of projects constraints such as resources, schedule and performance.

Reliability of a software can be defined as a software which have no failure and working in a special time period with special environment. Working of software depends on instructions while hardware is a part of mechanical. Hardware and software both have major role in functional area of software. Because as we operate the software with hardware parts then if we find any errors in that case it effects the whole operation. Reliability of software is maintained until any fault find in hardware which affects the path of the data. Reliability of a software refers to the probability of a failing hardware part and the calculation of time for the maintenance of hardware parts. Physically errors always find in software system.
