SAP Testing - Solution Manager

To perform SAP Automation testing, there is a need to set up a communication between SAP TAO, SAP Solution Manager, and the system to be tested.

To set up this configuration, you need an administration authorization on SAP SOLMAN. This is required to access and modify data table content.

T-Code: SE16

You need to display the table name: AGS_TAO_SETTING and change the value for AGS_TAO_ENABLE_SM_SETUP to ON.

Next, check the compatibility matrix for SAP TAO and Solution Manager. SAP TAO 3.0 contains a Process Flow Analyzer recording wizard which can be used to ease the test recording.

Note − SAP TAO 3.0 is a component for Solution Manager 7.1 and does not support Solution Manager 7.0. Open SAP Solution Manager Configuration work center and run Transaction code − SOLMAN_SETUP.

Open SAP Logon and add the system to be tested under logon.

Open SAP Logon

How to Connect SAP SOLMAN to TAO?

Go to SAP TAO and login and select SAP SOLMAN in the list. This list of system in SAP TAO is fetched from the configuration file of SAP logon. To add a system in SAP TAO, you need to add a new system in SAP Logon and refresh the list in TAO.

Solution Manager

Enter the login credentials and click on logon. SAP TAO will be connected to SAP Solution Manager and TAO configuration wizard will open up.
