eRuby: Embeded Ruby

eRuby stands for embedded Ruby. It's a tool that embeds fragments of Ruby code in other files such as HTML files similar to ASP, JSP and PHP.

eRuby allows Ruby code to be embedded within (delimited by) a pair of <% and %> delimiters. These embedded code blocks are then evaluated in-place, i.e., they are replaced by the result of their evaluation.


Here is a syntax to write single line of eRuby code −

<% ruby code %>

They function like blocks in Ruby and are terminated by <% end %>.

<% 3.times do %>

   <li>list item</li>

<% end %>

All Ruby code after the # is ignored and treated as comments.

<%# ruby code %>


Here's a sample eRuby file −

This is sample eRuby file<br>
The current time here is <>.
<%[1,2,3].each{|x|print x,"<br>\n"}%>

Here's the output from this sample file −

This is sample eRuby file<br>
The current time here is Wed Aug 29 18:54:45 JST 2001.

For complete details on eRuby, refer to eRuby Home.
