Ruby on Rails 2.1 - The Finders

Following are the ways to find out records with and without conditions −

The following code will find an author with ID 50.


The following code will find authors with ID 20, 30 and 40.

Author.find([20,30, 40])

The following code will find all the authors −

Author.find :all

The following code will find all the authors with first name alam.

Author.find :all
            :condition => ["first_name =?", "alam" ]

The following code will find the first record of the authors with first name alam.

Author.find :first
            :condition => ["first_name =?", "alam" ]

Options for Finders

You can use the following options along with the find function.

  • :order => 'name DESC' Use this option to sort the result in ascending or descending order.

  • :offset => 20 Starts fetching records from offset 20.

  • :limit => 20 Returns only 20 records.

  • :group => 'name' This is equivalent to SQL fragment GROUP BY.

  • :joins => LEFT JOIN ...' Additional LEFT JOIN (rarely used).

  • :include => [:account, :friends] This is LEFT OUTER JOIN with these model.

  • :select => [:name, :address] Use this instead of SELECT * FROM.

  • :readonly => true Use this to make objects write protected.

Dynamic Attribute-based Finders

You can use more dynamic functions to fetch values.

If there is a field user_name, then you can use the following to find records by username.


If there is a field last_name, then you can use the following to find records by last name.


If there are fields user_name and password, then you can use the following to find a record for a given username and password.

Person.find_by_user_name_and_password(user_name, password)