Python XlsxWriter - Header & Footer

When the worksheet is printed using the above methods, the header and footer are generated on the paper. The print preview also displays the header and footer. Both are configured with set_header() and set_footer() methods. Header and footer string is configured by following control characters −

Control Category Description
&L Justification Left
&C Center
&R Right
&P Information Page number
&N Total number of pages
&D Date
&T Time
&F File name
&A Worksheet name
&Z Workbook path
&fontsize Font Font size
&"font,style" Font name and style
&U Single underline
&E Double underline
&S Strikethrough
&X Superscript
&Y Subscript
&[Picture] Images Image placeholder
&G Same as &[Picture]
&& Misc. Literal ampersand "&"


The following code uses set_header() and set_footer() methods −

import xlsxwriter

wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook('hello.xlsx')
ws = wb.add_worksheet()

data = [ 
   ['Anil', 45, 55, 50], ['Ravi', 60, 70, 80],
   ['Kiran', 65, 75, 85],['Karishma', 55, 65, 45]
for row in range(len(data)):
   ws.write_row(row,0, data[row])
header1 = '&CTutorialspoint'
footer1 = '&LSimply Easy Learning'

ws.set_paper(9) #A4 paper

ws.set_column('A:A', 50)



Run the above Python code and open the worksheet. From File menu, choose Print option. On the right pane, the preview is shown. You should be able to see the header and footer.

Header And Footer