Python math.ceil() Method

The Python math.ceil() method is used to find the nearest greater integer of a numeric value. For example, the ceil value of the floating-point number 3.6 is 4.

The process involved is almost similar to the estimation or rounding off technique. The difference occurs when the ceil value of 3.6 is 4, but the ceil value of 3.2 will also be 4; unlike the estimation technique which rounds off 3.2 to 3 instead of 4.

Note − This function is not accessible directly, so we need to import math module and then we need to call this function using math static object.


Following is the syntax for the Python math.ceil() method −



  • x − This is a numeric object.

Return Value

This method returns the smallest integer greater than argument x.


The following example shows the usage of the Python math.ceil() method. In here, we are creating two numeric objects with positive and negative values, and ceil values for both these objects are calculated using this method.

import math   # This will import math module

# Create two numeric objects x and y
x = 45.17
y = -36.89

# Calculate and display the ceil value of x
res = math.ceil(x)
print("The ceil value of x:", res)

# Calculate and display the ceil value of y
res = math.ceil(y)
print("The ceil value of y:", res)

When we run above program, it produces following result −

The ceil value of x: 46
The ceil value of y: -36


However, this method will not accept any value as its argument other than numeric objects.

In this example, let us try to pass a list containing numeric objects as an argument to this method and check whether it calculates the ceil values for all of them or not.

import math   # This will import math module

# Create a list containing numeric objects
x = [12.36, 87.45, 66.33, 12.04]

# Calculate the ceil value for the list
res = math.ceil(x)
print("The ceil value of x:", res)

On executing the program above, a TypeError is raised as follows −

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in 
res = math.ceil(x)
TypeError: must be real number, not list


To return the ceil values of the numeric objects in a list using this method, loop statements can be used.

We are creating a list that contains number objects, whose ceil values are to be calculated using the ceil() method. Then, we will iterate this list using a for loop; and for every iteration, a number object in the list is passed as an argument to this method. Since the objects in the list are all numbers, the method will not raise an error.

import math   # This will import math module

# Create a list containing numeric objects
x = [12.36, 87.45, 66.33, 12.04]
ln = len(x)

# Calculate the ceil value for the list
for n in range (0, ln):
   res = math.ceil(x[n])
   print("The ceil value of x[",n,"]:", res)

Now, if we execute the program above, the result is produced as follows −

The ceil value of x[ 0 ]: 13
The ceil value of x[ 1 ]: 88
The ceil value of x[ 2 ]: 67
The ceil value of x[ 3 ]: 13


We can implement this function in a lot of real-world applications of Python. For example, let us try to find the ceil value of a quotient of two numbers. Let us first create two number objects, divide them using the "/" operator and find the ceil value of their quotient using the ceil() method.

import math   # This will import math module

# Create a list containing numeric objects
x = 54.13
y = 14.78

#Find the quotient of x and y
qt = x/y
print("The quotient of these values is:", qt)

# Calculate the ceil value for the quotient
res = math.ceil(qt)
print("The ceil value of x/y is:", res)

Let us compile and run the program above, the output is displayed as follows −

The quotient of these values is: 3.6623815967523683
The ceil value of x/y is: 4