• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Stats CDF Beta() Function

Definition and Usage

The stats_cdf_beta() function can calculate any one parameter of beta distribution given values for the others.


float stats_cdf_beta( float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which)


Sr.No Parameter Description


The first parameter



The second parameter



The third parameter



The flag to determine what to be calculated

Return Values

This function returns CDF(cumulativeDistribution Function), x( its inverse,),or one of its parameters, of the beta distribution(alpha, or beta). The kind of the return value and parameters (par1, par2, and par3) are determined by which.

Return value and parameters

The following table lists the return value and parameters by which.

  • CDF denotes cumulative distribution function.

  • x denotes the value of the random variable.

  • alpha, and beta denotes shape parameters of the beta distribution.

which Return value par1 par2 par3
1 CDF x alpha beta
2 x CDF alpha beta
3 alpha x CDF beta
4 beta x CDF alpha


This function was first introduced in statistics extension (PHP 4.0.0 and PEAR 1.4.0). We have used latest release of stats-2.0.3 (PHP 7.0.0 or newer and PEAR 1.4.0 or newer) for this tutorial.


In the following example when which=1, calculate P from (X, A, B).

  • P is the integral from 0 to X of the chi-square distribution. Input range: [0, 1] .

  • X is upper limit of integration of beta density. Input range: [0,1].

  • A is the first parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

  • B is the second parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

   // which = 1 : calculate P from (X, A, B)
   var_dump(round(stats_cdf_beta(0.5, 2, 4, 1), 6));


This will produce following result −



In the following example when which=2, calculate X from (P, A, B).

  • P is the integral from 0 to X of the chi-square distribution. Input range: [0, 1] .

  • X is upper limit of integration of beta density. Input range: [0,1].

  • A is the first parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

  • B is the second parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

   // which = 2 : calculate X from (P, A, B)
   var_dump(round(stats_cdf_beta(0.8125, 2, 4, 2), 6));


This will produce following result −



In the following example when which=3, calculate A from (P, X, B).

  • P is the integral from 0 to X of the chi-square distribution. Input range: [0, 1] .

  • X is upper limit of integration of beta density. Input range: [0,1].

  • A is the first parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

  • B is the second parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

   // which = 3 : calculate A from (P, X, B)
   var_dump(round(stats_cdf_beta(0.8125, 0.5, 4, 3), 6));


This will produce following result −



In the following example when which=4, calculate B from (P, X, A).

  • P is the integral from 0 to X of the chi-square distribution. Input range: [0, 1] .

  • X is upper limit of integration of beta density. Input range: [0,1].

  • A is the first parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

  • B is the second parameter of the beta density. Input range: (0, +infinity).

   // which = 4 : calculate B from (P, X, A)
   var_dump(round(stats_cdf_beta(0.8125, 0.5, 2, 4), 6));


This will produce following result −



Following is an error case. In the following example which<1, warning is displayed in logs.

   var_dump(stats_cdf_beta(0.5, 2, 4, 0));     // which < 1


This will produce following result and a warning in logs PHP Warning: stats_cdf_beta(): Fourth parameter should be in the 1..4 range



Following is an error case. In the following example which>4, warning is displayed in logs.

   var_dump(stats_cdf_beta(0.5, 2, 4, 5));     // which > 4


This will produce following result and a warning in logs PHP Warning: stats_cdf_beta(): Fourth parameter should be in the 1..4 range
