• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Memcache::decrement() Function

Memcache::decrement() function can decrement the item's value.


int Memcache::decrement( string $key [, int $value = 1 ] )

Memcache::decrement() function can decrement the value of an item by value. Similar to the Memcache::increment() function, the current value of an item is being converted to numerical and after that value is subtracted.

Note: A new item's value cannot be less than zero, and do not use the Memcache::decrement() function with an item that was stored compressed because a consequent call to the Memcache::get() function can fail.

Memcache::decrement() function can return item's new value on success or false on failure.


   /* procedural API */
   $memcache_obj = memcache_connect("memcache_host", 11211);
   /* decrement item by 2 */
   $new_value = memcache_decrement($memcache_obj, "test_item", 2);

   /* OO API */
   $memcache_obj = new Memcache;
   $memcache_obj->connect("memcache_host", 11211);
   /* decrement item by 3 */
   $new_value = $memcache_obj->decrement("test_item", 3);