• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Ds Vector jsonSerialize() Function

Ds\Vector::jsonSerialize() function can return a representation that can be converted to JSON.


mixed public JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize( void )

Ds\Vector::jsonSerialize() function doesn't have any parameters. This function can return the values of vector in a form that can be converted to JSON.

Example 1

   class vector implements JsonSerializable { 
      public function __construct(array $arr) { 
         $this->array = $arr; 
      public function jsonSerialize() {
         return $this->array; 
   $array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 
   echo("The elements after converting to JSON \n"); 
   echo json_encode(new vector($array1), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); 

Example 2

   class vector implements JsonSerializable { 
      public function __construct(array $arr) { 
         $this->array = $arr; 
      public function jsonSerialize() { 
         return $this->array; 
   $array1 = ["Tutorials", "Point", "Tutorix"]; 
   echo("The elements after converting to JSON \n"); 
   echo json_encode(new vector($array1), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); 