jMeter - JMS Point To Point Test Plan

Building a JMS Point-to-Point Test Plan

Now let us write a JMeter test plan to test a JMS Point-to-Point messaging solution. The setup of the test is one threadgroup with one thread or user sending 2 messages each through a request queue.

Let us start the JMeter from /home/manisha/apache-jmeter2.9/bin/

Add Users

  • Create a Thread group.

  • Right-click the Test Plan node.

  • Select Add → Threads (Users) → Thread Group. Thread Group gets added under the Test Plan node.

  • Rename this Thread Group as JMSTestPlan-PointtoPoint.

Jmsptp Thread Group

We will change the Loop Count to two. Rest of the default properties of the Thread Group are retained. It means one thread group with one thread or one user sends two messages each through a request queue.

Add JMS Point-to-Point Sampler

Now that we have defined the users, it is time to define the tasks that they will be performing. Start by adding the sampler JMS Point-to-Point to the Point-to-Point element.

  • Select Add → Sampler → JMS Point-to-Point.

  • Select the JMS Point-to-Point sampler element in the tree.

The following property changes are made to the JMS Point-to-Point sampler element −

Property Value Description
QueueuConnectionFactory ConnectionFactory This is the default JNDI entry for the connection factory within active MQ.
JNDI Name Request Queue Q.REQ The JNDI name for JMeter to make the connection between the connection factory and queue.
JNDI Name Receive Queue Q.REQ The JNDI name for JMeter to make the connection between the connection factory and queue. We are using the same queue for response.
Communication Style Request Response It means you need at least a service running outside of JMeter, which will respond to the requests. This service must listen to the Request Queue and send messages to the queue referenced by the message .getJMSReplyTo()
Use Request message ID checked You can leave JMeter to use the message ID Request (deposit) to the correlation between the incoming message and the recovered.
Use Response message ID checked You can leave JMeter to use the message identifier Response(recovery) for the correlation between the incoming message and recovered.
Time(milliseconds) 2000 This timeout is used when the message is received by JMeter if nothing is recovered in time (here 2 sec), then the item is marked in error.
Content Testing point to point This is just the content of the message.


ActiveMQInitial ContextFactory

The standard InitialContextFactory for Active MQ
queue.Q.REQ example.A Correspondence between the JNDI name of the queue (Q.REQ) and the real name of the queue in ActiveMQ (example.A).
Provider URL tcp://localhost:61616 The address and port to attack ActiveMQ.

The following screenshot shows the above configurations −

JMS Point to Point Sampler

Create Listener

Now add the Listener element. This element is responsible for storing all of the results of your JMS requests in a file and presenting a visual model of the data.

  • Select the Thread Group element.

  • Add a View Results Tree listener by selecting Add → Listener → View Results Tree.

JMS Point to Point Test Listener

Save and Execute Test Plan

Now save the above test plan as jmsptp_test.jmx. Execute this test plan using Run → Start option.

Verify Output

JMS PTP Test Output1

JMS PTP Test Output2

JMS PTP Test Output3

Return to the admin console of ActiveMQ. Here we can see the message status in the queue.

JMS PTP Admin Console