HTML - <hr> Tag

The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements: for example, a change of scene in a story or a shift of topic within a section. Or it is displayed as a horizontal rule that is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page.

The <hr> element takes an attribute color that is used for coloring the horizontal line. And this tag supports both global attributes and event attributes in HTML.


Following is the syntax of <hr> tag −

<!Doctype html>
   <p> …content </p>


Let's consider the following example, where we are creating an HTML document that shows the behavior of the <hr> tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <p> This is the first paragraph of text. This is the first paragraph of text. This is the first paragraph of text. This is the first paragraph of text. </p>
   <hr />
   <p> This is the second paragraph of text. This is the second paragraph of text. This is the second paragraph of text. This is the second paragraph of text. </p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the text displayed on the webpage along with a horizontal line between them.


In the following example, we are creating an HTML document and modifying the <hr> tag using the CSS properties as follows −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      hr {
         border: none;
         border-top: 3px double #333;
         color: #333;
         overflow: visible;
         text-align: center;
         height: 5px;

      hr:after {
         background: #fff;
         content: '§';
         padding: 0 4px;
         position: relative;
         top: -13px;
   <p>§1: The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. </p>
   <p>§2: The second rule of Fight Club is: Always bring cupcakes. </p>

On running the above code, the output window will pop up displaying the text along with a CSS applied hr tag on the webpage.


Considering the following example, we are creating an HTML document and using the <hr> tag and its attributes that are not supported in HTML5, as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <hr align="left">
   <p>The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. </p>
   <hr align="noshade">
   <p>The second rule of Fight Club is: Always bring cupcakes. </p>
   <hr size="10">
   <p>This is paragraph! </p>
   <hr width="100">
   <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p>

When we run the above code, it will generate an output consisting of the text and shows how <hr> tag works in HTML4.
