How Feelings Contribute towards Behavior

Some of the most difficult employee behaviors can be rooted in bipolar diseases like passive aggressiveness, manic depression, paranoia, and schizophrenia. But, there are some mental disorders like hostility, addiction, depression, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorders which can be treated by normal medication.

Difficult behaviors are sometimes adopted by us to achieve what we want. For example, children who show their temper to get something they want grow up to become adults who use their emotions to achieve what they want. Difficult behaviors are also adopted when we want to avoid something that is unpleasant. For example, children who are discouraged or criticized for expressing themselves may become adults who never express themselves or tend to share less information or expertise even if that could benefit the team.

Have you ever thought that you may be someone’s first boss? Each employee’s experience play a major role in what you get in a pool of applicants, when you are promoted. Your dream may be to hire an employee who is energetic, interactive, skillful, a quick learner and eager to excel. But, it could also turn out that you get employees who are depressed, whose work reflects poor self-image because of multiple rejections they may have faced before, guilt, financial issues, and inability to cope up with other fellow employees.

First Boss

Today most of the employees in a workplace show behaviors like mood swings, depression, eating disorders, and violent behaviors. Basic skills like reading, writing, mathematics, may be minimal or absent.

As a supervisor, when you suspect your employees to have mental illness, you should refer him to a competent health professional who would look into this matter. If company provides assistance, it can help the employee go through the treatment without violation of privacy. If not, you should keep the referral ready so as to refer him/her to a health professional as soon as possible.

Most of the people use physical traits to create a first impression. People tend to relate more positively if their physical appearance help them to strengthen the image. On the contrary, we tend to exhibit negative behaviors if our physical characteristics create a negative impression.

Supervisors cannot help much in bringing a total change in the mental characteristics, but they can alter the ways people think, which they can do by adjusting the way they relate to employees. In this way they can deal with different kinds of people around. Our emotional characteristics greatly determine the way we express and relate to others. Personality are formed by emotional characteristics.
