Continuous Integration - Defining Tasks

Now that we have our base code in Git and a link to the Continuous Integration server, its finally time to see the first step of Continuous Integration in action. This is done by defining tasks in the Continuous Integration server such as triggers, which makes the entire Continuous Integration Process as seamless as possible. Let’s make a change to our code in Visual Studio.

Step 1 − Go to the Demo.aspx page in Visual Studio and make a change to the title of the page.

Demo.Aspx Page in Visual Studio

Step 2 − If we query our Git repository via the git status command, you will in fact see that the Demo.aspx file has been modified.

Git Status Command

Now we need to ensure that every change in our code should trigger a build in our continuous integration server. For this we need to do the following changes.

Step 3 − Go to your project dashboard and click the triggers section and click Add new trigger.

Add New Trigger

Step 4 − In the next screen that comes up, choose VCS trigger, which will be used to create a trigger so that when a check-in is made to the repository, a build will be triggered.

VCS Trigger

Step 5 − Click Show Advanced Options and ensure the options shown in the following screenshot are selected.

Show Advanced Options

Step 6 − Click Save. You will now see the trigger successfully registered as shown in the following screenshot.

Click and Save

Step 7 − Now it’s time to check in our code into the Git repository and see what happens. So let’s go to our command prompt and issue the git add command to stage our changed files.

Simple Git Add

Step 8 − Now issue the git commit command, and it will push the changes into the Git repository.

Step 9 − If you now go to your Projects Overview screen, you will now see a new build would have been triggered and run.

New Build

If you see the Change log Tab, you will see the git comment which triggered the build.

Change Log tab

Let’s try it one more time. Let’s make another change to the Demo.aspx file. Let’s carry out a git add command and a git commit command with the following commit message.

Git Add Git Command

Defining Tasks Demo Build

You will now see a build being automatically triggered in the Project dashboard in TeamCity.

Project Dashboard TeamCity

The build will show a success message.

Success Message

You will now see the message of ‘Second commit’ which was used when the change was committed to the git repository.

We have now successfully completed the first part of the Continuous Integration process.
