C library function - localeconv()


The C library function struct lconv *localeconv(void) sets or reads location dependent information. These are returned in an object of the lconv structure type.


Following is the declaration for localeconv() function.

struct lconv *localeconv(void)


  • NA

Return Value

This function returns a pointer to a struct lconv for the current locale, which has the following structure −

typedef struct {
   char *decimal_point;
   char *thousands_sep;
   char *grouping;	
   char *int_curr_symbol;
   char *currency_symbol;
   char *mon_decimal_point;
   char *mon_thousands_sep;
   char *mon_grouping;
   char *positive_sign;
   char *negative_sign;
   char int_frac_digits;
   char frac_digits;
   char p_cs_precedes;
   char p_sep_by_space;
   char n_cs_precedes;
   char n_sep_by_space;
   char p_sign_posn;
   char n_sign_posn;
} lconv


The following example shows the usage of localeconv() function.

#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
   struct lconv * lc;

   setlocale(LC_MONETARY, "it_IT");
   lc = localeconv();
   printf("Local Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->currency_symbol);
   printf("International Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->int_curr_symbol);

   setlocale(LC_MONETARY, "en_US");
   lc = localeconv();
   printf("Local Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->currency_symbol);
   printf("International Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->int_curr_symbol);

   setlocale(LC_MONETARY, "en_GB");
   lc = localeconv();
   printf ("Local Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->currency_symbol);
   printf ("International Currency Symbol: %s\n",lc->int_curr_symbol);

   printf("Decimal Point = %s\n", lc->decimal_point);
   return 0;

Let us compile and run the above program that will produce the following result −

Local Currency Symbol: EUR
International Currency Symbol: EUR
Local Currency Symbol: $
International Currency Symbol: USD
Local Currency Symbol: £
International Currency Symbol: GBP
Decimal Point = .