AWS Quicksight - Managing Quicksight

Manage Quicksight is to manage your current account. You can add users with respective roles, manage your subscription, and check SPICE capacity or whitelist domains for embedding. You would require admin access to perform any activity on this page.

Under the user profile, you will find the option to manage Quicksight.

Manage Quicksight

On clicking Manage subscription, below screen will appear. It will show the users in this account and their respective roles.

Manage Users

You also have a search option; in case you want to particularly search for an existing user in Quicksight.

You can invite users with valid email address or you can add users with a valid IAM account. The users with IAM role can then login to their Quicksight account and view the dashboard to which they have access.

Valid IAM Account

Your Subscriptions will show the edition of Quicksight you are subscribed to.


SPICE capacity shows the capacity of their calculation engine being opted for and the amount used so far. There is an option of purchasing more capacity if required.

Spice Capacity

Account settings shows details of Quicksight account − notification email address, AWS resource permissions to Quicksight, or you also have an option to close the account.

Account Settings

When you close Quicksight account, it deletes all the data related to below objects −

  • Data Sources
  • Data Sets
  • Analyses
  • Published Dashboards

Manage VPC connection allows you to manage and add VPC connection to Quicksight. To add a new VPC connection, you need to provide the following details −

Manage VPC Connections

Adding VPC Connection

Domains and embedding allows you to whitelist the domain on which you want to embed Quicksight dashboards for the users. It only supports https:// domain to whitelist in Quicksight −

You can also include any subdomains if you want to use by selecting the checkbox shown below. When you click on Add button, it adds the domain to the list of domain names allowed in Quicksight for embedding.


To edit an allowed domain, you need to click on Edit button located beside the domain name. You can make changes and click on Update.

Edit Allowed Domain