Angular Material - List

The md-list, an Angular directive, is a container component that contains the md-list-item elements as children. The md-list-item directive is a container component for row items of md-list container. The CSS classes, md-2-line and md-3-line, can be added to md-list-item to increase the height of row with 22px and 40px respectively.


The following example shows the use of md-list directive and also the uses of lists.


<html lang = "en">
      <link rel = "stylesheet"
         href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script language = "javascript">
            .module('firstApplication', ['ngMaterial'])
            .controller('listController', listController);

         function listController ($scope) {
            var self = this;            
            self.allContacts = loadContacts();
            self.contacts = [self.allContacts[0]];
            function loadContacts() {
               var contacts = [
                  'Roberto Karlos',
                  'Bob Crestor',
                  'Nigel Rick',
                  'Narayana Garner'                  
               return (c, index) {
                  var cParts = c.split(' ');
                  var contact = {
                     name: c,
                     email: cParts[0][0].toLowerCase() + '.' + cParts[1].toLowerCase()
                        + '',
                     image: '' + index
                  contact._lowername =;
                  return contact;
   <body ng-app = "firstApplication"> 
      <div id = "listContainer" ng-controller = "listController as ctrl"
         layout = "column" ng-cloak>
               <md-subheader class = "md-no-sticky">Contacts</md-subheader>
               <md-list-item class = "md-2-line contact-item"
                  ng-repeat = "(index, contact) in ctrl.allContacts"
                  ng-if = "ctrl.contacts.indexOf(contact) < 0">
                  <img ng-src = "{{contact.image}}" class = "md-avatar"
                     alt = "{{}}" />
                  <div class = "md-list-item-text compact">
                  <md-divider ng-if = "!$last"></md-divider>
               <md-subheader class = "md-no-sticky">Contacts (With Insets)</md-subheader>
               <md-list-item class = "md-2-line contact-item"
                  ng-repeat = "(index, contact) in ctrl.allContacts"
                  ng-if = "ctrl.contacts.indexOf(contact) < 0">
                  <img ng-src = "{{contact.image}}" class = "md-avatar"
                     alt = "{{}}" />
                  <div class = "md-list-item-text compact">
                  <md-divider md-inset ng-if = "!$last"></md-divider>


Verify the result.
