• Adobe RoboHelp Tutorial

Adobe RoboHelp - New Features

The 2017 release of RoboHelp packs in many new features. These include −

  • Next-generation HTML5 layouts
  • Auto-complete
  • Thumbnail support
  • Favorites in Responsive HTML5 layouts
  • Baggage file folder import
  • Variable views

Let us understand them in detail.

Next-generation HTML5 layouts

The 2017 release of RoboHelp promises to help you create visually engaging borderless HTML5 layouts. These layouts offer a superior search and navigation experience and are preloaded with many features like topic sliders, show/hide widgets, etc. The responsive design enables the content to scale well across screens of different sizes.


Now you can get predictive search results in the search field of the responsive HTML5 output after typing the first few characters. The results appear instantaneously and are contextual without the user having to enter the full search string. The results are ranked based on the frequency of the keyword in the content.

Thumbnail support

You can now publish thumbnails of images, which can reduce page loading times, saving bandwidth, while also being mobile friendly. If needed, the user can simply load the larger image by clicking on the thumbnail. It is possible to maintain a standard thumbnail size in order to maintain consistency throughout the content.

Favorites in Responsive HTML5 layouts

It is now possible to mark topics as favorites and add custom links with the new Indigo themed Responsive HTML5 layout.

Baggage File Folder Import

You can now add multiple baggage files stored in a folder in a single click by adding the folder to the project thereby making it easy to import folders containing support information.

Variable views

You can now easily toggle between the variable name and its value by a keyboard shortcut or from the context menu. You can toggle a single variable or all variables to view content exactly as your audience would view it.
