• Adobe RoboHelp Tutorial

Create and Edit Browse Sequences

Browse sequences help readers in navigating through a series of topics. A single topic can belong to multiple browse sequences but HTML files or external topics from other help systems cannot be included in browse sequences.

Create Browse Sequences Automatically

To create browse sequences automatically, create the table of contents. From the Navigation section of the Project tab, click on Browse Sequences. In the Browse Sequence Editor dialog box, click on Auto-create using TOC… to open the Auto-create Browse Sequences using TOC dialog box.

Enter the number of levels from the TOC hierarchy that you want to include in the browse sequence, and then click on OK. Click OK again. Click on Yes, if you see the Enable Browse Sequence dialog box.

Browse Sequence Editor

Create Browse Sequences Manually

To create browse sequences manually, from the Navigation section of the Project tab, click on Browse Sequences to open the Browse Sequence Editor dialog box. Click on New and then name the browse sequence. From the Available Topics list, select the folder containing the topics you are adding and add topics to the Browse Sequences Pane and click on OK. Click on Yes, if you see the Enable Browse Sequence dialog box.

Browse Sequences Manually